Chapter 14: Traps and Tricks

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Stress had barely arrived when they attacked; their former friends swarming out into the Shopping District.

"TRAPS!" Mumbo called, the last thing anyone was able to say before the first Taken divided them.

Doc grabbed Impulse and threw him TNT.

"You're a boomer. Give me a boom," Doc told him, then leapt into action blocking the sword that was coming at them. "GO!"

Impulse obediently laid the explosives, one-by-one. Around him, battles raged. Swords clashed. The clang of metal hitting metal filled the air.

Impulse then pulled out the only thing he had to light it- a flame bow- and fired.

It hit its mark.

The unmistakable hiss of lit TNT filled the air and Impulse booked it. He could only hope Doc got out.

Smoke, rock, dust, and ash flew everywhere, billowing into a cloud that obscured the world.

Iskall85 was blown up by ImpulseSV.
ZombieCleo blew up.
Renthedog was blown up by ImpulseSV.
Cubfan135 blew up.
TinFoilChef blew up.

"Nice!" Doc called. Impulse was shaken, but recovered and scurried after Doc.

Meanwhile, Scar and Mumbo were battling Bdubs, Jevin, and Tango on the shore of the lake.

Mumbo and Scar fought fiercely, defending themselves and each other, but they were outnunbered.

Jevin managed to land a hit on Mumbo, knocking him into the water.

Mumbo landed with a splash. Jevin flinched at the water on his skin, but kept an eerie calm mask on.

Scar fumbled with his bag and grabbed a blue crystal. As Bdubs grabbed him to pull him away, Scar pushed the crystal's energy into Bdubs. Bdubs suddenly stumbled and let go of Scar, then turned to see Jevin and Tango. He backed away and Scar pulled out two more crystals, then directed their energy to Tango and Jevin.

The blue magic swirled around them, then they too stumbled and looked around.

"Where are we?" Tango asked.

"The first thing you say when you're saved and you say 'where are we,'" Mumbo rolled his eyes. "And they call me a spoon."

"Quiet, Mumbo," Scar told him, but happily. "We're in the Shopping District."

"Many questions time later! Right now, get off this island and don't let the Watchers catch you. Or the Taken. Don't trust anyone except us and each other!" Mumbo called to them, wading out of the water and shaking off.

Tango, Bdubs, and Jevin glanced at each other, then obeyed and quickly left.

"Let's go rescue some more people, then!" Mumbo announced.

Turning, they realized that with Impulse's explosion and the three hermits Scar had saved, it was only seven-on-eight now.

Xisuma was being chased by False and Wels, Stress was fighting Joe, and Doc was single-handedly holding off Hypno, Zedaph, xB, Etho, and Beef while Impulse laid TNT.

Observing the fight, Mumbo could easily tell that the Taken were a lot worse at fighting than usual. It was the only reason Doc could fight them, and even he was having trouble.

"Mumbo, stop staring and come help!" Doc yelled.

Mumbo shook his head to snap out of it and rushed in to help Doc.

Scar pulled out his crystals. He had six left; that wasn't good. They'd have to capture two and take them back to be saved.

They could probably handle Joe and one of the five attacking Doc and Mumbo; Wels' armor would be too heavy, False was too good a fighter.

Scar grabbed two crystals, one in each hand, and closed his eyes. He directed the dual magic signatures towards the chase where Xisuma was being pursued and forced the blue magic onto Wels and False's energy.

The two fell out of the sky but caught themselves before they hit the ground. They glided down to Scar and landed shakily.

"Never doing that again," False commented weakly.

Wels gave a small chuckle.

"Stay here. Don't let them catch you," Scar said.

"As if that needed to be said," False replied sarcastically.

Scar ignored her and set his four crystals down in front of him. He sat down and closed his eyes.

He guided all four crystals' magic into one stream of power and directed it towards the main fight, where he managed to identify xB. He split one of the crystals' magics away and gave it to xB's magic. 

xB collapsed in the fight.

Scar searched for more signatured and found Etho. He split another crystal's magic away and guided it to Etho.

Etho stumbled away from the brawl.

That left two crystals.

Scar found Zedaph's energy and forced one of the crystals' magic onto it. Zedaph tripped and crawled away from the battle.

And finally, Scar pushed the last bit of crystal magic towards Hypno and waited until he swayed dizzily and backed away.

Beef backed off, but stopped and faced them. Deciding he couldn't fight, he tried to run, but was stopped by an arrow to the leg.

"Who gave False the bow?" Xisuma called.

"Do you think I need to be handed things, X?" False asked with a slight hint of a threat.

"No, no, no! Just asking!" Xisuma replied defensively.

False gave a smile of satisfaction.

Stress knocked Joe over the head and he crumpled to the ground beneath her.

"We won!"

Sorry it was short and late :(
I will be working on more chapters tommorrow, you should see 2-3 hopefully.

also, i want to ask: your opinions on major character death? i'm considering a scenario with that in it but i want to know YOUR thoughts.

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