Chapter 10

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"I should have read up on where we're going."

A red alien sports car with three prominent gold streaks on one side of its body was currently driving down a populated highway. This was the Stunticon known as Dead End. He was currently heading towards a far off Decepticon signal that seems to be originating from a city in Michigan. He didn't take a dropship to the coordinates his own reasons, one reason being that he would like to enjoy the drive there instead of just sitting and waiting till he got there. He also didn't bother learning anything about where exactly he was going, probably out of pure laziness. Because of this he was essentially going in blind with no way to be prepared for negative altercations with humans and/or bad interactions with fellow Decepticons. Not that he even cared thanks to his Stunticon nature.

Accompanying him were, surprisingly, the Constructicons. Their reason for going with him was simple, they were bored and wanted to get out of the base for a bit. Explore the world a little instead of being cooped up in the base all the damn time building things. They wanted to do something else for a change and so they joined him in going to the signal. That would be it for their group... except for the fact that Steven was currently sitting in Bonecrusher's excavator scoop.

For some reason the kid wanted to join them as well in finding one of their fellow Decepticons. So that lead to Dead End asking Onslaught if he could go with him and the Constructicons since he was the unofficial leader at the moment. It took a bit of persuasion and promising that Steven would not be put in harms way but they managed to get the okay from him. And just as they were about to leave they discovered a brand new problem. How was Steven suppose to ride with them? Dead End doesn't have an interior for him to sit in and neither does any of the Constructicons. This lead to them having to improvise a little. They found that Bonecrusher's excavator scoop would work as a substitute seat for Steven to sit in as they drive. Was it safe? Probably not. But it was the best they got. And with that problem solved they hit the road and drove as fast as they could before Onslaught learned of their makeshift solution.

Which leads back to now. They were still cruising down the highway without a care for the looks they were getting. Drivers would look at them big-eyed, children would openly gape at them, and the occasional elderly person would squint their eyes in disbelief. They even got some highway cops to chase after them at one point, most likely because of Steven's current seating arrangements. Though the chase didn't really last long when Longhaul and Scrapper ran them off the highway, Steven was none the wiser. Soon enough though they had reached their destination and passed under a sign that shows the city's name.

Welcome to Detroit.

The group did not pay any mind to the sign and continued into the city. As they went deeper in they began to notice some... oddities. One such oddity was the many odd looking robots were milling about amongst the people. Some were walking pets and another were selling hotdogs from a stand that was attached to it, hell there was even a robot that looked like a trash bin with arms and wheels. Another weird one was what looked like a robot dog that was being walked around on a leash by some kid. Why were there robot dogs? Was it for those that were allergic to actual dogs but still wanted one? Were there cat equivalents as well? Could they secretly be surveillance gear for the government to monitor/spy on people without them even realizing it? Questions for later...

As the group continued to drive through the city they could see more of those robots roaming around, they even found themselves driving alongside futuristic vehicles. Soon enough though they had reached the city's center and were stunned by what they could see before them. A massive round tower that was rather thin at the base and became wider further up before becoming thin again at the top. Dead End and the Constructicons recognized what this tower was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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