Chapter 7

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Normal POV.

*Bang!, Bang!, Bang!*

Onslaught shot up from his berth with his path blaster out and primed, pointing it frantically around the room. It took him a moment to realize that he wasn't under attack but that someone was knocking on his door. Grumbling a few curses he slowly got off his berth and walked over to the door with a glare. Upon opening it he was greeted by Soundwave of all cons.

Onslaught:"*Annoyed* What is it Soundwave?"

Soundwave:"I came to tell you that we need to get Steven to the barn quickly"

Onslaught:"Is it because the Ruby's arrived?"

Soundwave:"*Nods* That and the fact that the gems are panicking about Stevens whereabouts"

Onslaught:"*Sigh* Alright just let me grab him and we'll meet you in the hanger"

Soundwave nodded before heading to the hanger.

Onslaught turns back into the room and walks over to where Steven is sleeping. Said child is still sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face. Onslaught did not want to wake him so he just picked the child up as gently as possible before heading to the hanger bay.

Some time later Onslaught had entered the hanger. He made his way towards the only functioning dropship in the bay and enters it. Upon entering he sees Soundwave by the ships flight controls but he wasn't the only one. Demolisher, Drag-Strip, and Quake were also onboard manning the ships other stations.

Onslaught:"You three are tagging along?"

Demolisher:"Ya, we don't have anything better to do and all the others are currently busy"

Onslaught:"Busy doing what?"

Quake:"Vortex and Blast-Off went out to try and fined another energon deposit with Cyclonus and Slipstream tagging along. The Constructicons are busy with building the rest of the base and its various rooms and Shockwave is still working on that drone of his"

Onslaught:"What about Swindle and Brawl?"

Drag-Strip:"Those two went out for a drive"


Soundwave:"If you are done I would like for us to get going"

Onslaught nods and takes a seat. Moments later the ship is lifting off and leaving the hanger bay.


The flight to the barn was relatively quiet. The only noise being made is the monitors and flight controls. Drag-Strip tried to start a conversation with Onslaught but was silenced when he pointed to a sleeping Steven.

Some time later they had arrived at the barn and landed. Upon disembarking the dropship the crew was met with a angry bird.

Pearl:"Where's Steven!?!?"

Onslaught gestured to his other hand where said boy was still sound asleep. This of course didn't go well with the pale gem and she started accusing them.

Pearl:"What did you walking scrap heaps do to him?! Did you experiment on him, brainwash him or something else of that nature?!"

This of course offended Cons.

Onslaught:"What do you take us for, deceptive monsters?"

Pearl:"*Smirks* Well deception is in your name, Decepticon"

Oh Onslaught and the others wanted so badly to just step on her and crush that puny little gem of hers.

Onslaught:"诶哦 杰伊诶娜哦 艾'开 艾勒哦 娜哦艾杰杰 吉屁艾弗 屁艾 勒艾 诶 吾勒开伊艾 哦吉诶哦 艾伊吉伊艾 艾伊哦屁艾艾伊迪 哦吉伊 诶艾艾伊西哦艾勒艾"

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