Chapter 2 Warm Welcome

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Normal Pov.

Not a word was spoken as the two groups stared at each other. The gems were wide eyed while the cons just stood their wondering what the gems were gonna do. Thankfully Steven broke the silence.

Steven:"*Smiles nervously* Sooooo... these are the friends I wanted you guys to meet. I know they look different but I can assure you that-"

Steven was cut off by Pearl coming over and laying a hand on his shoulder.

Pearl:"Steven you should head inside while we talk with these... 'machines', okay?" 

Steven looked at her confused while the cons looked at her with anger.

Steven:"*Wines* But I want to stay and introduce you guys to them"

Onslaught then knelt down, gaining Stevens attention. 

Onslaught:"It's okay Steven, head inside while we talk with these gems"

Steven was about to argue but sighs as he made his way into the barn. Once he left the two groups continued to stare at each other. Then Garnet stepped forward.

Garnet:"Why are you here?"

Onslaught:"We didn't have much of a choice"

Amethyst:"*Raises a brow* What do you mean?"

Swindle:"*Shrugs* We were buying 'stuff' from a mech name Lockdown and the next thing we know we're waking up in a forest just outside of Beach City"

Pearl:"*Suspicious* What was this 'stuff' you were buying from him?"

Onslaught:"That's none of your concern" 

That only made Pearl even more suspicious of them.

Garnet:"What are your intentions then?"

The Combaticons looked at each other before shrugging.

Brawl:"Don't really got one, But I guess we could try finding a place to stay"

Garnet kept staring at them before smiling.

Garnet:"Well then your more then welcome to stay at the barn for as long as you want"

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

Pearl:"What?! But Garnet-" 

Garnet raised her hand to silence her.

Garnet:"It's alright Pearl they mean us no harm"

Pearl:"*Incredulous* What makes you so sure?"

Garnet:"*Adjusted her shades* I just know"

With that said she left to go work on the drill. Pearl stood there for a moment before leaving, muttering something. All that remained was Amethyst and the Combaticons. 

Amethyst:"Soooo... you guys got anything you want to do?"

Brawl:"I'm gonna go take a nap. Wake me when something interesting happens"

With that Brawl went over to the side of the barn and laid down against it before entering a stasis nap. Amethyst just looks at him before turning back to the others.

Amethyst:"What about you guys?"

Blast-Off:"Me and Vortex are gonna go for a flight, so see ya"

The two fliers transform and jetted off into the distance.

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