Chapter 8

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Onslaught had just gotten back to base and called a emergency meeting. When all were present he retold them the events that happened only a few hours prior. Though when he got to the part were he gave the Ruby's Jasper did Brawl decide to make displeasure know.

Brawl:"Do you have any idea of what you've just done!?"

Onslaught:"I got rid of an annoyance. Why? What has you so worked up now?"

Brawl:"*Sigh* I thought even you would notice the grave error you've just"


Brawl:"You've just returned our prisoner to the enemy and said prisoner is most likely going to tell her higher ups about us"

Onslaught:"They would have know either way because of the Ruby's present"

Brawl just gave him a flat look.

Brawl:"Onslaught... their Ruby's. I highly doubt any gem worth their salt would care about whatever they have to say"

Onslaught tried to argue with that... but couldn't. Ruby's weren't the brightest tools in the shed and more than likely have a low reputation because of it.

Brawl:"That's not to mention that Jasper, who is considered a war hero and has a high status on Homeworld, will more than likely tell the Diamonds themselves about us just so she can have a rematch against us"

Now the weight of his mistake made itself know to Onslaught.

Onslaught:"Shit I messed up big time"

Brawl:"Yes, you did"

Cyclonus:"Ahem! Can we get back on topic please"

Remembering that there was something more important to be discussing Onslaught continued his retelling.

Onslaught:"Right sorry. Anyway after the game I was introduced to Overlord and Bludgeon over here-"

The two aforementioned cons gave a halfhearted way to everyone.

Onslaught:"-and they told me of how they've been here for months. They've been here way before me and my team arrived"

Slipstream:"What are you implying?"

Onslaught:"I'm implying that there could be more Decepticons scattered across the globe, doing their own thing or causing trouble"

This had the others muttering to themselves. Knowledge that there could be more of their kin out made some of them hopeful.

Mixmaster:"Let me guess, you want to go out and round them all up?"

Onslaught:"*Nods* It would increase our numbers and insure that nothing bad happens to them"

Hook:"*Snorts* What could possibly harm them?"

Onslaught:"This worlds military for one and, if my suspicions are correct, many of the other threats from the transformers series"

That got them on edge. They knew of the many threats and enemies of the cybertronian race. If their was a fraction of them here, like say scraplets, then there will be problems.

Bonecrusher:"Is there a possibility that MECH from the prime series might be here?"

The prospect of MECH, a human terrorist group that's solely focused on gaining the most advance tech, being here got a few of them twitchy. Any fan of prime knows of what they did to its incarnation of Breakdown and they did not want to go through that experience.

Scrapper:"I believe it's unanimously agreed that if they are encountered we are to use lethal force"

He got many nods of agreement.

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