Chapter 3 Clash Of Titans

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Normal Pov.

Onslaught:"So why are we here?"

Everyone was gathered in front of the barn at Peridots request. Apparently the little green gem wanted everyone out here for some reason. The only one not attending at the moment is Steven since he's sleeping on the ground behind them.

Peridot:"I want to go over the plan for when we-"

Just then the ground started to shake and everyone tried to keep their balance. Took a few minutes for the shaking to stop, but when it did. Steven woke up gasping for air which made everyone turned and looked at the boy in concern.

Swindle:"You alright Steven?"

Steven nods. Then Peridot spoke.

Peridot:"*Nervous* Did you all feel that"

The gems look at her in confusion while the cons just looked bored.

Amethyst:"Feel what?"

Peridot:"The ground shook! This could be the start of the clusters emergence!"

The little green dorito then pointed to the chalkboard behind her, which had sketches that looked like they were made by a three year old.

Peridot:"Stage one, slight tremors every hour. Stage two, full scale earthquakes. Stage three-"

She then flips the board to show a depiction of the Earth exploding.


The gems looked slightly worried while the cons continued to look bored.

Peridot:"Were running out of time, we need to drill right now!"

Steven then chose this moment to interject.

Steven:"No its Malachite"


The gems looked surprise while Peridot looked confused.

Peridot:"Who's Malachite?"

Brawl bent down next to Peridot and whispered.

Brawl:"*Whispering* A fusion made up off Jasper and Lapis"

Peridot:"*Wide eyes* Oh"

Onslaught then kneeled down next to Steven and spoke to him.

Onslaught:" Are you sure"

Steven:"*Nods* Yes. While I was sleeping I somehow took control of a watermelon Steven and found out they made a village for themselves. Then after some sort of ritual thing they painted a star on my chest and took me to some corner of the island. It didn't take too long for Malachite to come up and-"

Steven then started to tremble a little and looked close to tears. Seeing this Onslaught picked up the boy and held him close to his spark, hoping to calm him. They stayed like that for a time before Steven was able to compose himself.

Onslaught:"You don't have to continue if you don't want to Steven"

Steven:"*Rubs his eyes* Its okay, I want to finish telling you guys"

Onslaught nodded and set the boy down and let him continue his tale.

Steven:"After she appeared I saw that she was still chained up. Lapis must still be fighting Jasper, but for how much longer I'm not sure. The next thing I know she's coming down on me before I woke up here"

After he finished his tale the gems huddled together and started whispering things before turning back to Steven. Garnet walked up to Steven and placed her hands on his shoulders"

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