Chapter 6

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Normal POV.

Onslaught currently stood in front of the beach house Steven lives in. The reason for him being here was that he and the others wanted to show off the base they built to the boy. Also the Constructicons didn't get to meet Steven yet so that was another reason for him being there.

So when he told the child that he and others had a surprise for him the kid had literal stars in his eyes. He had ran back inside saying he had to grab a few things and left the con to wait for him, hence why he was still standing in front of the beach house.

The con waited patiently for the kid and soon enough he heard the front door open with a squeak as Steven came running out.

Steven:"*Excited* All set to go!"

Onslaught couldn't help but chuckle at the boys excitement. From what he and the others knew of the show Steven himself rarely got a chance to act like a normal kid. It pissed them all off that throughout the entire series Steven was practically forced to solve everyone's problems while also having the biggest target on his back.

Safe to say they were all looking forward to changing that.

Onslaught:"Well then come on, me and the others have a lot to show you"

Steven quickly rushed down the stairs and over to Onslaught. The con picked him up and started walking towards the dropship not to far away. Once inside Onslaught sat down in the pilot seat and put Steven on his shoulder. He then started typing in coordinates onto a holo screen and the ship lifted up into air.

Onslaught:"Hold on tight"


Before he could even blink the ship rocketed away. Steven was unprepared for this and almost fell off Onslaughts shoulder, but thankful the con managed to grab ahold of him before that happened.

Onslaught:"*Chuckles* I said hold on"

All he got as a response was a grumble from the boy.


The flight to the decepticon base was relatively peaceful. Steven did ask questions during the trip which Onslaught was more then happy to answer.

Steven:"So how come I've not seen you and the others for the past few weeks?"

Onslaught:"Well we've been busy building a base/home for ourselves. We've also been getting some new arrivals"

That last bit got Stevens attention.

Steven:"New arrivals?"

Onslaught:"Yup. Just before we started searching for a place to call our own a group know as the Constructicons fell from the sky. After they came not even a week later we get two more arrivals and from then on we've been getting a constant stream of new faces showing up"

Steven:"*Excited* Wow! I can't wait to meet them!"

The boys excitement brings a chuckle out of the con.

Onslaught:"Don't worry you'll get to meet them. In fact they're just as excited to meet you as well"

Within an hour the two arrive at the mountain that the cons have decided to make their home.

A few new additions were added to said mountain, such as the fact that all the caves that lead into the mountain now had massive blast doors that bare the decepticon insignia on the center. They also have a pair of turrets stationed at each of the entrances, just in case. There was also a rather large satellite dish that sat at the very top of the mountain.

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