Chapter eighteen

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Hey everyone!

Wow two chapters in a day! haha just shows how much I love y'all ;) also I have no life.... hahaha

Anways please:




Isabella xx


** Three weeks later**

I still don’t feel emotions, I feel like him a living puppet. I eat, sleep, go to school and come home and do it all again the next day. Alpha Cole tries talking to me but after a while he just stays silent, but he still follows me around. He dumped his little blonde skank, two days after my ‘accident’ and she has now been giving me evils ever since and trying to make my life miserable, well sorry to break it to you honey but it’s already miserable.

I haven’t shifted since that day, and my wolf, although heartbroken still wants to be let out so I quickly shift and head out into the forest at the back of their property. I am running for about half an hour before I hear crying and I stop and look around but I don’t see anything. What is that noise? I follow it and freeze when I see a baby, probably only two months old, lying there wrapped in a blue blanket, with tears pouring down its face, oh my god!

I quickly shift and run to the baby and pick it up and look around, where are it’s parents? Who would leave a poor baby out here all alone.

‘Shh it’s OK, don’t cry, I have you’ I cooee and it instantly stops crying and opens its eyes and I gasp, it’s eyes are similar to mine but have more green in them, whereas I have more blue.

I instantly feel a strong connection to the baby and I can’t help but notice how my wolf starts to calm down and forget about her heartbreak and my mind is instantly made up. I will love this child and look after it like it is my own, even though I am only eighteen.

‘Charlie!’ I yell and I hear footsteps and he comes running downstairs, then stops when he sees the baby and his mouth hangs open in shock.

‘What? When? You were pregnant?!” he yells and the baby starts crying and I glare at Charlie and walk into the kitchen, trying to soothe the baby.

‘Can you please get me some milk and heat it up?’ I ask

‘Can’t you just you know…’ he gestures to my chest and I can’t help but laugh

‘You have to have had a kid for that’ I explain and he frowns

‘But isn’t that yours?’ he gestures to the little boy

‘Nah, I found the little fellow in the woods, crying and alone’ I explain

After getting some milk into him, Charlie and I head into the lounge room and I sit down, cradling the baby to my chest as it falls into a sleep, with one of its tiny hands wrapped around my finger. Charlie just sits there watching us, with a smile on his face and I frown

‘What?’ I say and he shakes his head and keeps on smiling

‘You look so beautiful with the baby, like it comes naturally’ he says and I blush and mumble a thank you ‘are you going to keep him?’ he asks and I grin and nod

‘Yes! I know you are going to try and talk me out of keeping him, but as soon as I looked at him I just felt this connection! And my wolf is at peace when he is with us’ I explain and Charlie scoots closer and wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I lean into him and smile.

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