Chapter 2

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Okay here is chapter 2. I am not going to be updating on a certain day just whenever I can so yeah. If you like this comment, vote and fan, thanks <3 xx this chapter is dedicated to toriijadeee, sorry that it's not very long but I promise to make the next one longer :)

Isabella xx


Annabelle's POV:

'Pass' I say for the fifth time and he glares at me. It's not my fault his questions are too personal or inappropriate. The last question he asked me was if I sleep with pants on, what kind of a question is that?

'Can you please take this seriously?' I hiss at him

'I am! You just won't answer my questions' he smirks and leans back. I give him an icy glare until he sighs and leans forward 'fine I'll be serious. What’s your favourite colour?' he grabs his pen and book, finally taking this seriously. I go to answer, but he cuts me off 'it’s blue isn’t it?' he asks in a cocky voice

'No. It's dark purple. Is yours still green?' I ask and his smile falters as he looks down

'Yeah' he mumbles, just as the bell goes and I stand up. I put my book and pen in my bag and turn to him

'People grow up and change. You missed the growing up part but you sure nailed the changing part' I turn and walk out of the room. Anyone listening would have thought we were fighting over our favourite colours, but it went deeper than that.

He thinks that I'm the same innocent shy girl I used to be. That I will just bow down to him like the rest of the school and how I used to be. But I'm not like that anymore and I'm annoyed with myself for not acting this way earlier and being a stronger person

I walk into the cafeteria and grab some chips, an apple and a coke, then head over to my table with Maxine and Dylan. They are already sitting there, but don't look up when I sit down

'Hey guys, what's up?' I smile, but they don’t answer me. What the hell?

'Are you going to ditch us for Daniel's group now?' Maxine asks bluntly

'No. I will never leave you guys, you’re my best friends. I don't even like him, you guys know that. He’s nothing but a past mistake' I drop my gaze and I feel Maxine wrap her arms around me

'We're sorry. Are you OK?’ she asks and smiles

'I'm fine. Do you guys want to do something Friday night?' I ask and they both perk up instantly

'We should do a horror movie marathon at my place' Dylan grins and we both roll our eyes at him

'Dyl, we always watch horror movies! Why can't we watch a romance movie?' Max pouts. Dylan and I both throw her a look and then start laughing

'How about you guys come to my house and we do a Harry Potter marathon?' I ask and they both nod in agreement. We fall into a comfortable silence as we begin to eat

'Hey. Can I sit here?' I don't bother looking up, but I know Max and Dylan are waiting for me to answer

'No' I say bluntly and he ignores me, like I knew he would and sits down 'why do you ask if you're just going to ignore me anyway?' I sigh

'I'm being a gentleman' he smirks

'Well go be a gentleman where you are wanted' I hiss and Dylan snickers

Daniel glares at him, but I can see the underlying shock in his gaze. Even I'm a bit stunned, usually Dylan just sits there silently or glares at Daniel across the room. He's never acted this way towards Daniel before, in fact he’s barely ever said a word to Daniel.

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