Chapter eleven:

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Hey everyone! So here is chapter eleven!

I know it's not very long and I am sorry.... I just wanted to get it up so yeah :)

Enjoy and Comment, Fan and Vote.



I stand there in shock. My sister can't talk? I look at the Doctor and ask him if I can go and see her, he nods and says only one at a time to see Annabelle. I open the door and walk in and freeze when I see Annabelle lying there just staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face and tears in her eyes. She hears the door close and looks over at me and I wince when I see the pain in her eyes but there is something else there, determination. What is she going to do? I manage a small smile and walk towards her.

'You scared me Annabelle, I thought I lost you' I say and take her hand and kiss it. She smiles weakly then winces and I panic 'What's wrong? Are you OK? Do you want me to call the doctor?' I ask but she shakes her head and points at the glass of water sitting on the side table.

I grab it and hand it to her, as she takes her drink I sit there watching her, what are we going to do? She can't go back to school, but she needs to finish her education. Will she ever be able to talk again? I still love her but I can't imagine what she is going through.

Just then I get a thought, mind link! All packs have a mind link with their fellow members, if she is in my pack, well Daniel's pack then she can talk to us with her mind! I turn and run out the room and grab Daniel and tell him my plan.

ANNABELLE'S POV:                                                                                 

Why did he leave? Doesn’t he love me now that I can't talk? And why can't I talk?! If I am meant to unite two packs I should be able to freaking talk! God my throat hurts so badly. I sip my water and just lay here.

The door opens but I don't bother looking over, it’s probably just a doctor or nurse coming to check on me. They were telling me as soon as I woke up that I was a miracle and that it astounded them that I had lived. I'm not so sure that I made the right choice anymore...

'Annabelle?' I frown, I know that voice...

'Daniel she can't talk, idiot!' my brother snaps and I hear Daniel growl

Why is he here? I don't blame him for my accident, after all it was my fault that I ran onto the road and wasn’t looking. But I still hate him and don't want him here. I see a notepad and pen lying on the table next to me and I grab it and write GO AWAY and show them both, a pained expression comes over Daniel's face and he looks down.

'Annabelle I am so sorry! It was all my fault and I understand that you don't want to talk to me, but your brother came up with the idea that if you joined my pack you can talk through the mind link until you get your voice back' he says softly and I frown.

What if I don't get my voice back? Will my brother still love me? I grab the pen and start writing


I show them and this time Jay answers.

'I will still love you whether you can talk or not, you will always be my little sister. It won't hurt but it might feel weird for a while and you are a werewolf, I just don't know why you haven’t shifted yet' he explains and I nod and close my eyes.

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