Chapter twenty six:

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hey everyone :)


So this chapter is one of my longest :) SO I have decided to split it in half, that is why it ends so suddenly, as it was ten pages on word and I dont want it to be to long <3

So enjoy and please:






‘How about here?’ I ask and point to a cute little coffee shop.

We have been to six different shops, clothing, food and shoes, but Maxine hasn’t liked any of them and frankly, neither have I. Connor is being a very good boy, so when we head into the coffee shop, I but him an ice cream and sit down with him, while Maxine goes and enquires about the job offer.

‘OMG!” she squeals happily, as she sits across from us

‘What?’ I laugh and wipe ice cream from Conner’s mouth

‘I got the job!’ she says and I stare at her in shock

‘OMG! Wow that was fast’ I laugh

‘Yeah the guy was really nice, said he had been looking everywhere! Asked if I could make coffee, be nice to horrible people and be here from eight till one’ she grins

‘Well I’m proud of you!’ I grin and hug her and then check the time

‘I have three hours until Daniel’s parents come over, let’s head back, I have to make dinner’ I grin and she smiles back

‘OK, let’s go’ she stands up and after waving goodbye to the man who gave her the job, we head off.

‘Hey! Did you have fun?’ Daniel grins and kisses me and then Connor

‘Yeah we did, Maxine go a job’ I grin

On the way back, we dropped Maxine off at home, since she doesn’t live at the pack house, and then we grabbed some food for dinner and came home. Conner fell asleep on the way home and Daniel carries him up to bed

‘He won’t sleep well tonight’ I tell Daniel as I start cooking the roast

‘It’s OK, I’ll stay up with him’ he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head ‘need any help?’ he asks

‘Could you please start cutting up the vegetables’ I say and, lean up and kiss him, long and hard

‘I love you’ he murmurs against my lips

‘I love you too, now go cut vegies’ I smirk and he laughs and starts cutting

At quarter to seven I head upstairs and have a shower and change into a pretty whit laced dress to the knee, with white heels and I keep my hair in its natural state and add only a little bit of makeup. I hear the doorbell ring and I quickly check myself one more time in the mirror, before heading to Connor’s room.

‘Mummy?’ Connor rubs his eyes sleepily

‘Yes baby, its mummy, you have to get up now’


‘Grandpa and grandma, are here’ I explain

‘Really?’ he looks alert ‘do they bring lollies? Like off the TV?’ he asks excitedly

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