Chapter six:

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Hey everyone so there is a lot of POV changes in this chapter but I hope you enjoy it :)

Okay so this one is fairly long..... if you enjoy it please comment, vote and fan <3 xx

Picture of Jason on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Enjoy xx


Daniel's POV:

I head to Annabelle's house to check on her. I didn't mean to make her angry and sad with me, but something is going on and I don't want to see her get hurt.

I knock on her door and no one answers, so I knock again and the door flies open to her brother Jay, standing there looking horrible with red puffy eyes like he has been crying... oh no! Is Annabelle OK? What did he do? I let out a low growl and he stiffens and glares at me, then growls back

'Don't you dare growl at me, you do not have that authority' I hiss at him and he stiffens because he knows it's true 'Where is Annabelle? What did you do?' I demand and guilt and pain flash in his eyes

'She isn't here' he says and then does something that shocks me so much I take a step back. He starts to cry, but I can't feel bad for him, I need to find Annabelle. It starts to rain heavier, and that just makes Jay cry harder.

'Do you know where she could have gone?' I ask softly, not wanting to provoke him anymore than necessary

'Maxine's house' he turns and closes the door and I hear something smash. I turn and shift into my wolf and run to Maxine's house, with one thought running through my mind

I have to get to Annabelle

Annabelle's POV:

I have a splitting headache and my body feels stiff. I try to move but my body won't respond. What's going on? Am I dead? No I can't be... death is meant to be peaceful... unless I'm in hell...

'Shh! She is waking up!' I hear someone hiss and I frown, guess I'm not dead...

Everything floods back to me. Jay hitting me, going to Maxine's house, Dylan growling, the cemetery, Damon, and fainting. I gasp and sit upright in bed and look around the room. I am in a large room, lying in a double bed, with a balcony on the far right hand wall and a door that leads into what I'm guessing is a bathroom, on the left hand side, and sitting on the end of my bed is two little children, one girl and a boy both, with dark hair, they look like twins.

'Where am I?' I croak and wince. My throat feels like sandpaper is in it and rubbing together

'You're in our house!' the children giggle, then the girl turns and runs out of the room and comes back with a glass of water and I manage a weak smile

'Thank you' I croak and chug the water

'What's your name?' the little boy asks and sits closer to me

'I'm Annabelle, what about you guys?' I ask, then frown... Why am I so at ease? I don't know where I am, I'm talking to two kids I don't know and my brother and friends are probably freaking out right now, but I'm calmly lying here talking to these little kids.

'My name is Kaitlin and this is my twin brother James' she says and they both grin

'Lovely names... Um do you guys know why I'm here?' I ask sitting up further

They both go to answer when the door opens a guy around my age walks in. I gasp in surprise, he looks so much like me! He has blonde hair that is a little bit long so it covers his right eye, which are the same colour as my bluish green ones

Lies, secrets and werewolves (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora