Chapter Twenty Nine

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      The song up there fits so well! It's Forget about me by Escape the Fate, listen to it~

                           •                  •                   •

Chapter Twenty Nine

Last seen 00:39

I stared at his profile picture, he had on a meek smile,  looking carelessly handsome, his shining chocoloate orbs seeming to reach out of the screen and swallow me whole. I wondered who he chatted with at 12 a.m. I wondered who his friends were, I wondered if his knuckles bled or if they hurt and I wondered what he was dreaming about, if he was even sleeping. I wondered if he was lying awake too.

This ache in my chest was real.

I needed to see him, but I couldn't. If I did everything will be okay when it really isn't. I knew I'd forgive him, whether out of sympathy or my own selfish needs, it didn't matter.

With a jolt from my heart I saw his status switch to online. And then he was typing and my heart was pounding but then he stopped and I stared.

Send it, I urged, c'mon send it.

I waited but nothing came. Sighing in defeat I switched off my phone and threw it across the bed. I turned over but sleep wouldn't come.

And as I stared at the digital clock on my bedside table switch to one a.m. I decided that today I would do it. I would finally accept what I've refused for all these years.

And it was about time too.


The next morning brought on the same frostiness of every day, Madeline came in with a simple good morning, opened my curtains to a bright morning and Emma was again nowhere to be seen.

My conviction never wavered.

And here I stood, looking at what has become of me. Dark circles, matted hair and disregarded skin stared back at me in the mirror, looking as ugly and unworthy as ever. I don't need to be looking like this, I don't need to be feeling like this. But I was and that's all I needed.

I took a hold of the heart shaped bracelet on the sink and shoved it in my pocket. I cut it off not so long ago and taking it with me made it ironic. I loved irony.
But I wasn't hurting myself, I was finally going to heal.

I put on a jacket and grabbed the list before heading downstairs.

"Are you going somewhere, Miss?" Madeline inquired, it was just an inquiry and nothing more.

I gave her a weak smile, "Yes."

I ducked my head, letting my hair cover my face so she wouldn't see and went out into the waiting car. Phil greeted me and began driving. This time we were going uptown.

"Should I wait?" He asked

"No" I answered while getting out. I put my hands into my pockets and stared up at my father's building as Phil pulled away. My father was away on business and I hadn't a doubt that my mother was in there being the control freak that she was. Because when she wasn't on a case, she was giving everyone at my father's office a bad day.

It's been ages since I've been here, I hated this place most. I smiled wryly, what a way to go.

Once I had entered I was instantly recognized, "Miss Monroe! Welcome!"

All nameless faces of course.

I didn't pay them any attention as I made my way to the elevators. It was a long way up and when I reached the very top I took a deep breath, fidgeting with the bracelet in my pocket. I recognized the big oak doors immediately and could practically feel my mothers energy seep from under them. I walked right pass and headed for the staircase.

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