Chapter 3: Magical Mystery Murder - DAY 2 (Mahouko)

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Everything is ready.

The previous two times were merely tests. Tests to see the extent of this power. Weak motives. In the end, what resulted in their downfalls was their own selfless personalities...

This time, however... will be when things will get... chaotic, to say the least.

What will they do when their dreams are shattered? Their futures... changed for the worse?


I'm curious to see what happens.

* * *


Agh, my head...

I woke up a bit earlier than usual thanks to a strange headache. It wasn't particularly painful, just a bit annoying... Am I getting sick?

That can't be right... I feel fine otherwise.

Hmm... I have a bad feeling about this...

I couldn't fall back asleep, so I instead got out of bed and changed into clean clothes before leaving my room.

The dining hall was relatively empty when I entered, seeing as it was early. The only people that were there were...

"Y-You... can't see anything?" Shoujiki asked.

Tsukikage shook her head. "The Stars... I-I cannot see them, no matter how hard I try!" she responded, slight panic in her voice. "I-I'm not sure if this is for better or worse..."

"Shoujiki? Tsukikage?" I said upon entering the cafeteria. "What are you two doing here this early?"

"Ah!" Tsukikage gasped. This was the first time I've seen her so caught off-guard... "M-Mahouko Houseki... I could ask you the same question."

"I got up early because I-I had this mild headache..." Shoujiki answered. Surprisingly, there's less of a stutter in her voice... "I'm... not sure what it was, but I couldn't fall back asleep, so I came here and found Tsukikage."

"What's wrong, Tsukikage?" I asked.

Tsukikage was tugging at the sides of her hair. "I-It's dark, I can't..." she said. "I-I woke up this morning with a similar headache to the one you spoke of, Shoujiki Amedama... b-but when I went to ask the Stars for guidance for the day, the sky was as dark as a starless night! It's like my powers suddenly disappeared..."

Shoujiki frowned. "Your powers disappeared?" she murmured. "I-I wonder if... no, that can't be possible, can it...?"

After that, a few others began to enter the cafeteria as it grew closer to 8am. Surprisingly, everyone reported similar headaches to the ones that Shoujiki, Tsukikage, and I experienced. One person in particular stood out, though...

When Raimei walked in and took a seat at the dining table, I could immediately tell something was off. Usually, he would be the calmest, most stoic one in the room... but this time, although his expression was rather stoic, he was anxiously tapping a finger on the table, his eyebrows were furrowed as though anticipating something unknown...

Huh? Why am I suddenly analyzing his body language?

"R-Raimei, is everything alright?" I asked.

He looked up. "Huh? Oh, uh... I don't know," he muttered. "Something is wrong... I-I can't put my finger on it, but something is definitely wrong..."

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