Chapter 1: A Rumor Told at the Evening Hour - TRIAL Part 1 (Mahouko)

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- Monoryu File 1: The victim was Kaen Moeru. The victim's body was discovered in the North Hallway, in front of the warehouse. The estimated time of death is 4p.m. The victim suffered from an explosion, primely to their face. Aside from that, the victim's knees and hands seem to be bruised slightly.

- Sword: A sword was found a few feet away from Kaen's body. It is relatively clean, aside from various burn marks and debris from the explosion.

- Struggle in the Warehouse: There are various stab and slash marks in the warehouse, as though a struggle had happened in there. Along with that, numerous boxes and things on the shelves have been knocked over.

- Hidden Chest: A secret chest was found in the warehouse. It was pretty dusty, aside from a couple of dusty handprints on the top, like it was used recently. The chest was empty.

- Strange Haiku: A strange haiku was found on the underside of the lid on the chest. It reads, "When it's time to kill, the sword of justice appears, and slays foe and friend."

- Shards of glass: There were a couple small shards of glass found in the warehouse. It is unknown where they came from, though... nothing made of glass seems to be broken.

- Burnt Match: A matchbox was found on the ground, with matches spilled all over the place. One of the matches was found burnt.

- Haneko's Account: Haneko, Serena, and Raimei had been helping with decorating the courtyard. Apparently, Serena and Haneko had at some point gone to the warehouse to get some old fabrics and tapestries.

- Explosion: Shortly before the body was discovered, a loud but quick explosion was heard in the North Hallway, accompanied with a flash of greenish light.

- Shoujiki's Account: Shoujiki, Ongaku, and Migi helped with making food and preparing music. They have been in the dining hall and kitchen throughout most of the past couple of days.

- Aidama's Account: Aidama had been on the watchtower for almost the entire party preparation time, even at night. It seems that he never left until the body was discovered.

- The Meisekis' Account: Suishou and Tsukikage had been wandering around the castle, checking on everyone and making sure that everything was in order. They've seen Awabeni and Torako several times while walking around, and Aidama in the watchtower.

- Hyourei's Account: Hyourei, Mahouko, and Kaen spent most of yesterday in the warehouse to look for firework parts. Hyourei and Mahouko stayed together, while Kaen searched a different part of the warehouse.


"Alright, let's start with a basic explanation of the Class Trial!" Monoryu began. "During the Class Trial, your votes will determine the results. If you vote correctly, only the true blackened will receive punishment. But, if you vote for the wrong person, I'll punish everyone except the blackened, who will get to leave the castle!"

"Pardon me, but... what is the purpose of that picture?" Serena asked, pointing to the photo frame that was placed at where Kaen was supposedly going to stand. It was at her height, too...

"Well, it would feel kind of sad if the entire gang wasn't together, wouldn't it?" Monoryu explained. "It's also a constant reminder of the despair that is your classmate's death! Now... get on with the trial!"

"But how are we supposed to do that?" Haneko asked. "I've never been in a trial before..."

"Y-Yeah, we're just high school students!" Shoujiki said.

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