Chapter 1: A Rumor Told at the Evening Hour - POST TRIAL (Serena)

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When the execution ended, we could only stare in horror.

I couldn't see Mahouko's face, but I could tell that she was devastated at the loss of her friend. I was, too... moreso towards the victim, but... I could understand her pain.

"WOO-HOOO!!" Monoryu cheered. "Oh man, I've been wanting to do this for so long, and I finally got my chance! Yipee!" he claps his hands in excitement. "Oh, I can't wait to do this again in the future! Even if... I kinda wished Aidama didn't go and kill someone... and Kaen no less!" Monoryu sounded like he was about to cry.

I almost felt bad for him, but also... I couldn't forgive him. Not for what he made us do.

"M-Mahouko-san?" Suishou called out to Mahouko, who was still staring off into space out of the despair of the execution.

The magic student didn't move much. "Huh...?" she muttered out.

"Ms. Houseki, I know it's hard... but we should probably leave..." Awabeni tried to say.

Mahouko sighed. "I know... Sorry..."

"I-It's okay! Don't apologize, Mahouko-san..." Suishou responded.

"You guys can leave now, by the way!" Monoryu announced. "Have a good night, everyone! Fuhuhuhu~!"

The dragon disappeared behind the throne, and I sighed. We all headed to the elevator and rode it back up to the courtyard.

* * *

The courtyard at night is a rather beautiful sight to behold, if I must be honest. The sky was clear, not a cloud in the sky blocking the view of the starry atmosphere. A crescent moon was placed on one corner of the sky... the whole aesthetic reminded me of Tsukikage.

The courtyard was still as we had left it - covered with decorations from the party that never happened. The firework launchers were still lying on the floor.


Without thinking, I headed over to the firework launchers and crouched down beside them.

Haneko noticed me and stopped where she was, looking over to me. "Serena...?"

"Perhaps I could launch these outside..." I murmured with a smile. "I'm no pyrotechnician, so I wouldn't know how to make them avoid the tree..."

"Are you... trying to respect her memory...?" Haneko asked. I nodded, and Haneko sighed. "I thought so... you really did like her, huh?"

I picked up the firework launchers. "Yeah..." I sighed wistfully. "I wish I could have said something earlier."

Everyone else had gone to their dorms, probably, as Haneko and I were the only ones around. I went to the warehouse to pick up a couple matches, noticing that Kaen's body was gone and the whole place looked like nothing ever happened. Afterwards, Haneko and I went to the front of the castle, and I placed the firework launchers on the ground.

"I wonder if she doubted how I felt..." I murmured, setting up the display with the limited knowledge I had from being with Kaen in the past. "I wonder if... that incident made her doubt herself..."

Haneko situated herself a-ways from the launchers. "Maybe... but try not to regret it too much," she said.

I sighed, having finished setting it up. There was a moment where we didn't say anything. Then, I broke the silence. "Why...?"


"Don't you also feel regret? So, why..."

Haneko sighed. "I try not to think about it..." she muttered. "Anyway, go on! Light the fireworks!" she said, this time with more excitement.

I smiled to brush the thought away. Then, I struck a match and lit the fuses, quickly backing away and covering my ears. Haneko did so as well.

The rockets launched up at various points, travelling high into the sky before exploding into bursts of color in various shapes and styles. Loud popping sounds followed, even through covering our ears.

I felt a little bad for the people who wanted to sleep tonight, but I hope they understood the sentiment I tried to convey.


I'm sorry if it seemed like I never forgave you. In reality... I forgave you the moment we met.


Thank you, Kaen.

I hope we meet again someday.

And... maybe...

...we can love again.

Chapter 1

A Rumor Told at the Evening Hour


14/16 Students Remain

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