Chapter 2: The Coldest Heart Has Selfish Desires - DAY 3 (Mahouko)

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I stuck my hand out from under the covers and immediately pulled it back under. So c-cold! Maybe I shouldn't leave... it's not even 8a.m. yet.

I wanted to stay in bed as long as I could. The sheets weren't that thick, but it was still much warmer here than out.

Yet, my stomach beckoned me to breakfast.

Shivering, I got out of bed, pulling the thickest layer off of the bed, and wrapped it around me as I walked to the dining hall.

There weren't that many people in the dining hall when I reached it. It was early, after all... The only people that were there were Raimei, Awabeni, and Shoujiki.

"Good morning, Ms. Houseki," Awabeni nodded to me. "How are you holding up?"

"C-Cold..." I muttered in response.

She sighed, nodding but not saying anything else in reply.

Looking up at the rest of the people in the dining hall, I saw that Shoujiki also had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Awabeni's sleeves were rolled down, and Raimei stood with his arms crossed, pacing a bit.

No one was talking. It was kind of depressing, really.

Ding dong, ding dong!

"Good morning everyone!" Monoryu announced. "Wakey wakey! It's morning, time to rise and shine~! Let's all have a wonderful day, 'kay? Fuhuhu...!"

The morning announcement played, and eventually, Ongaku walked in as well, Suishou following shortly behind. "Good morning, everyone," Ongaku said with a yawn, hugging herself. "Gosh, it really got c-cold, huh...?"

Suishou had a blanket wrapped around herself as well, walking over to grab some food... but it was all cold. She tried to turn on the stove, but it wouldn't start up. "Geez, w-what are we supposed to do now?" she whined, frustrated.

I tried to pace around while keeping the blanket wrapped around my shoulders, but I still shivered from the cold. I was getting hungry, as well... gah, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to last!

Suddenly, the doors burst open.

"G-Guys, has anyone seen Migi?!" shouted Hidari, who had just entered the dining hall with a panicked and pained expression. She was wincing and rubbing her head with her hand, looking around frantically. I've never seen her so serious before. "This is an emergency, what if she's-?!"

"M-Ms. Seiza, please calm down," Awabeni reassured her. "What happened? What's going on?"

"Migi's been hurt!" Hidari exclaimed. "P-Please, we need to find her! I'll search the tower!" she said, running off.

"W-What? Ah, wait a minute, Hidari-san!" Suishou called, running after her.

Awabeni sighed. "I guess we should search for her... just to be safe," she said. "I'll search the floor--will you come with me, Ms. Tanjun?" The violinist nodded.

"I-I'll come with you!" Shoujiki exclaimed, running to them.

"I can go look outside, if nobody else will!" I chimed in.

Raimei nodded. "If you don't mind, I'll join you, Mahouko," he said.

"Alright, quick, let's go!" Awabeni nodded, as we all went to search for the other twin.

Raimei and I ran out of the castle. The grass outside was tinted with frost, and I shivered despite the blanket. "W-Where could she be?" I asked.

"Let's check the back, there doesn't seem to be anything around the front," Raimei said, running around to the back of the castle. I followed shortly behind him.

When we approached the back of the castle, the lake came into view, and I noticed that it was frozen over. It would have been a pretty view, if it were not for the fact that we were in this place...

...or if it wasn't for the puddle of blood on the edge of it.

"R-Raimei...?" I said, feeling the worry creeping up in my chest. "Th-There's..."

"What?" Raimei muttered, looking at the scene. But then, he noticed something else. "Ah, look!"

I looked where he was pointing, and I gasped. "M-Migi!"

She was lying face-down on the ground, and was not responding. Fortunately though, it seemed that she was alive, just unconscious. "That's good, at least..." I sighed in relief. "W-What should we do with her?"

"I don't want to just leave her here, but... that blood looks concerning," Raimei muttered. "Look, there's a bit of a blood trail, and it leads into the maze..."

"W-We should probably follow it, huh?" I asked. Raimei nodded, heading into the maze, and I followed after him.

Fortunately, the blood trail allowed for us to find out exactly where we were going. A few seconds after we headed in, however, we heard some rustling noises up ahead.

"Huh? What was that?" I asked, looking up and around.

"I... don't know, maybe someone's there..." Raimei murmured in response.

We continued walking through the maze, following the blood trail to the center of the maze. And when we reached the middle...

...something was waiting for us there.

No, not something. Someone.

Someone... now completely devoid of life.

That cold, lifeless body...

That someone... was none other than Hyourei Fubuki, the Ultimate Hockey Player.

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