Chapter 2: The Coldest Heart Has Selfish Desires - DAY 2 (Mahouko)

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*Ding dong, ding dong!*

Once more, the bell rang, along with Monoryu's usual morning announcement, and once more I woke up with a growing despair that this is how I'll have to live the rest of my life...

I got ready for the day and headed out of my room, where I immediately ran into Awabeni. "Ah, A-Awabeni! Good morning..." I said to her in greeting.

"Good morning, Ms. Houseki," Awabeni nodded. "Ah, by the way... is it just me, or is the temperature slightly colder than it was before...?" she asked me.

"Huh? Did the temperature in here change?" I frowned. "I-I can't tell, sorry..."

She shook her head. "It's alright. Perhaps we'll figure out what's going on once we arrive at the dining hall."

Sure enough, once we arrived at the dining hall, I could hear a few people discussing the sudden change. And, as though on cue...

"Well, what's going on in here? Discovered a change, hmm?" Monoryu's childlike, cheery voice cut through the noise in the dining hall. "You guys are sharp! I didn't expect people to notice it that quickly!"

"What is it this time, Monoryu?!" Serena demanded. "If you've done something to the temperature-"

"Oh, but I did do something!" Monoryu chuckled. "I may or may not have done so to give you guys another motive, after all..."

Everyone began muttering to each other again, with a few angry outbursts here and there. Hidari in particular stood up. "What do you mean, another motive? It hasn't even been two days since the last murder happened!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, I get impatient!" Monoryu huffed. "I'm still a child, you know!"

"What is this motive you have planned for us this time?" Ongaku asked, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Maybe it won't be as bad as it seems."

"Well, it's just that... the temperature will gradually drop over the course of the next few days... either until somebody kills, or until you all die of hypothermia! Fuhuhuhu~!" Monoryu laughed.

"!" Shoujiki stammered. "Th-That's..."

"Wait, but that shouldn't be a problem! I'm sure they have some thick coats and blankets in the warehouse!" Suishou pointed out.

"Oh, those? I actually took them all out just before I got here," Monoryu said. "Sorry! No electric blankets for you guys!"

"Hey wait, that's not fair!" Hyourei shouted. "You aren't even giving us a chance to live!"

Monoryu looked crestfallen. "B-But I just said that you could! You have to kill someone!" he cried. "Why is everyone so mean to meeeeee?!"

"It seems that... it is once again a kill or be killed world..." Haneko murmured, although loud enough for everyone to hear.

The room fell relatively silent, aside from a light murmuring as everyone wondered what to do. Seeing that his work is done, Monoryu turned around and waved. "Well, I guess that worked! I'll just leave you guys to your killing. Bye bye~!" he said before disappearing.

Tsukikage pulled a card from her tarot deck and sighed. "The hanging man..." I heard her murmur.

"W-What are we going to do now...?" Migi asked, worry in her voice. "I-I don't know if I can stand being in the cold for so long..."

"Well, there's no other choice, is there?" Hidari grumbled. "We're gonna have to deal with it until somebody caves!"

"Or, we all die from the cold..." Raimei added.

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