Chapter 1: A Rumor Told at the Evening Hour - DAY 2 (Mahouko)

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Ding, dong, ding, dong!

The morning announcement played, and once again I headed to the dining hall for the morning meeting. When I got there, everyone was sitting at the table, and I could tell from their faces that some of them were starting to give up.

"We haven't made any progress since the first day..." Migi sighed at the beginning of the meeting.

"Yeah, nothing bad has happened yet!" Hidari mock-sighed.

Serena glared at her. "What are you implying...?"

"Nothing good or bad has happened yet!" Hidari complained. "I'm wasting my time here..."

Suishou cleared her throat. "Okay guys, we need to keep searching for-"

"Hey!" Monoryu suddenly interjected. "Did I hear somebody was bored?"

Aidama almost fell off his chair. "HOLY S-"

"What was that for!?" Kaen scowled at the dragon, who had suddenly appeared on an empty chair at a nearby table.

"I just overheard your conversation," Monoryu explained, "and noticed you were talking about how nothing's been happening lately. Well... you're in luck!"

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Ongaku muttered next to me.

"A little birdie told me," Monoryu continued, "that somebody is planning a murder!"

The whole room went silent as that message was sent through our heads. Somebody... was planning a murder...? There's no way that could be possible... And there's no way I should believe that, either...

Monoryu growled as nobody reacted. "Really!? I was expecting a much better reaction than that. 'Oh no, who could it be?' 'I hope I'm not their target!' etc, etc! Not dead silence!"

"Of course we wouldn't react that way!" Hyourei shouted, standing up suddenly. "Why would we believe what you tell us?"

Monoryu shrugged. "Don't ask me. Ask your classmates! I'm sure some of them already have my message implanted in their heads..."

I glanced around the room. Already I could sense the tension in the air, the suspicion rising once again--just like on the first day of this killing trip. It was a sensation that I never wished to feel again, but knew that I will only feel countless more times...

Hyourei sat back down, teeth clenched in muffled anger. "Fuhuhu..." Monoryu laughed in a sinister tone. "Ah, the look of distrust and despair on your faces! I can't wait for somebody to get this ball rolling! See you later, everyone!"

Monoryu disappeared suddenly, like the plush dragon always does. I sometimes wonder how it's even possible? His disappearance left the same effect on us as it always did, in shock and distrust. Several of us had resorted to taking sudden interest in our breakfast. Some tried to move past it without making a big deal out of it.

One of us, however, brought up an idea.

"Why don't we have a party tomorrow night?" Suishou suggested, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" A party...? I thought.

"What would be the point of that?" Tsukikage asked. "Wouldn't that only leave us more vulnerable to the attacks of whomever told the dragon creature about their scheme?"

"I can see her point, though," Raimei reasoned. "If everyone is in the same place at the same time, we can reduce the chances of a successful murder opportunity."

"I see..." Haneko nodded. "That is a good idea."

Several others murmured their agreements, and Suishou smiled. "Alright, so a party it is!" she declared. "Let's all meet up in the courtyard tonight, then-"

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