Chapter 1: A Rumor Told at the Evening Hour - TRIAL Part 2 (Mahouko)

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"W-Wait, m-me and Hyourei?!" I exclaimed.

Hyourei also looked shocked. "What?!"

"It took you long enough, Mahouko," Mirai sighed. "It's true that you two are the most suspicious."

"W-Wait, hang on!" Suishou jumped in. "Just because they were the last to see her doesn't mean one of them is the culprit!"

"Y-Yeah, that's right!" Aidama agreed.

Mirai simply sighed, but Haneko added, "I can see where she is going, however. Even if neither of you are guilty, the possibility would still be worth exploring, no?"

"I-I..." I was not sure what to say. I was so afraid of saying something that would make me look more guilty...

"Wait a minute, that can't be right!" Hyourei tried to defend us. "Mahouko and I were in the courtyard with Kaen up until when she left!"

Nodding, I added, "That's right, there's no way we could have done that-"

"THE STARS ARE OUT OF ALIGNMENT!" Tsukikage suddenly exclaimed in rebuttal. "Kehehe... The stars have given me a peculiar message."

"Th-They have...?" I asked, confused.

"Ts-Tsuki-chan...? What are you doing?" Suishou asked her sister.

"The two of wands has told me of a way that either of you two might have been able to kill Kaen Moeru," Tsukikage said rather ominously. "If you wish to tell me otherwise..." She pointed at me with a determined look. "You will have to face the power of the stars themselves!"

== REBUTTAL SHOWDOWN: Vs. Tsukikage Meiseki ==

Tsukikage began to speak. "You say that you and Hyourei Fubuki couldn't have killed Kaen Moeru since you two were together before she died," she said. "But that does not mean that you couldn't have killed her! There is still another way that one of you fiends could have done it!"

"How would we have been able to kill her?" I argued. "There is literally no possible way we could have killed her without one of us noticing!"

"Silence!" Tsukikage refuted. "The stars are correct... You and Hyourei Fubuki went to the warehouse with Kaen Moeru. Then, while you were looking for materials... one of you snuck out and set up a trap in the hallway!"

Ah, wait!

"I'LL CUT THROUGH YOUR WORDS!" I shouted in retaliation. "Tsukikage, that's not possible... right, Hyourei?"

"Yeah, we were together the whole time," Hyourei nodded. "It would be impossible for one of us to sneak out and set up a trap."

"Huh...? The stars were wrong...?" Tsukikage murmured in confusion. "Hmm... perhaps they meant something else when they said there was planning involved..."

"It's okay, Tsuki-chan!" Suishou reassured her. "Maybe it is something else, like you said..."

"Anyway, it's impossible for either of us to have killed Kaen, since we were together," I concluded.

Suddenly, Raimei spoke. "Wait a minute..." he said.

"Hmm?" Ongaku looked to him. "Did you figure something out, Raimei?" she asked.

"Yeah... and it might make things a bit more..." he paused, "interesting, to put it frankly."

Haneko realized. "...Oh, do you mean...?"

"W-What's going on?" Migi asked, confused.

"Mahouko... when you were looking for firework parts with Kaen, did you three split up at all?" Raimei asked me.

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