Chapter 3: Magical Mystery Murder - TRIAL Part 1 (Mahouko)

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- Monoryu File 3: The victim was Tsukikage Meiseki. The victim's body was discovered in the solar. The victim suffered from a single stab wound in the back. Aside from that, there are no other visible wounds on the body.

- Monoryu File 4: The victim was Awabeni Hareta. The victim's body was discovered in the greenhouse. The victim suffered from two small but relatively deep wounds, one in the chest and one in the right arm. Aside from that, there are no other visible wounds on the body.

- State of the Solar: The solar was found in a disarray, with things strewn about, as well as slash marks in furniture and the walls.

- Note on Tsukikage: There was a folded-up note in Tsukikage's pocket that read, "Remember, meet me in the history classroom at midnight regarding your new Ultimate talent." It is unsigned.

- Orange Jacket: An orange hoodie jacket was found on one of the chairs of the history classroom. However, it disappeared midway through the investigation.

- Bloody Knife: A bloody knife was found on the floor of the greenhouse, near Awabeni's corpse.

- State of Awabeni's Corpse: Awabeni's body was leaning against a table of plants in the back of the greenhouse, mostly hidden away from view upon entering. There doesn't seem to be a lot of blood around the corpse, either.

- Awabeni's Clothes: There are bloodstains on Awabeni's clothes, even in places where she was not injured.

- Killing Game Starter Pack 3: A chest was found hidden in the greenhouse shed, much like the previous two starter packs. It contains a crossbow and a few arrows, which were found in the chest even after the murders.

- Starter Pack 3 Haiku: A haiku was found inscribed into the lid of the third Killing Game Starter Pack. It reads, "When dreams slip away, the crossbow makes an attempt to reclaim this wish."

- State of the Greenhouse: The floor of the greenhouse is rather wet.

- Greenhouse Hose: There is some water coming out of the nozzle of the hose in the greenhouse, as thought it was used recently. There is also a little bit of blood smeared on the grip.

- Talentswap Motive: The motive that Monoryu provided this time swapped all the remaining students' talents with each other. Each individual student is only made aware of their own new talent in the Ryu-Handbook, although students may exchange info on their new talents should they so desire.

- Body Discovery Announcement: Three people must discover a dead body for the Body Discovery Announcement to play. However, only one person found Tsukikage's body before the announcement played. On the other hand, three people were needed to find Awabeni's corpse.

- Awabeni's Missing Ryu-Handbook: For some reason, Awabeni's Ryu-Handbook is not present on her person, nor could it be found anywhere in the school that is currently accessible.

- Suishou's Account: Suishou had not been able to get much sleep last night because of an indescribable pain combined with a horrible feeling of dread she suddenly felt at around midnight. Nothing she tried has worked to stop the pain.


"Alright, it's time for the Class Trial..." Monoryu sighed. "Remember, vote correctly and only the blackened will get punished, vote incorrectly and everyone else dies, etcetera, etcetera... You know the drill..."

"I-I almost feel bad for him..." Migi whispered. Hidari whispered back her agreements in exasperation.

"Well, I-I have a feeling this trial is going to be a bit different from the others," Shoujiki started. "Since... two people have died this time around..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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