I become the Queen of Showers

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I woke up to the beautiful taste of salt water. I opened my eyes and found myself staring directly into the sea. I smiled and kissed back before pulling back. I noticed a wide grin on a handsome face and felt my heart melt.

"How you doing, Wise Girl?" Percy smiled and I could almost read the word mischievous written on his teeth.

"What?" I asked, maybe a bit too harsh. But I hated not knowing what was going on. I hated surprises. And I hated waking up.

He just kept staring at me. He slowly moved his eyes just above my head. I followed his gaze, and instantly regretted my decision. This was the reason why I hated surprises. As I glanced at an image straight above my head, I was greeted with the coldest bucket of water. I snapped my eyes, closing them just as the cold water slapped my face. I felt a cold sensation wash over my face. I immediately gasped for air, and bounced up, straightening my back.

"I have been trying to wake you up for thirty minutes!" Percy threw his hands up in defense as he saw my murderous expression. Strangely enough, only my face was wet. I looked around the bed and it was completely dry. So were my clothes.

"Don't worry. I'm not that cruel. I just wanted you to wake up", he said scratching his neck nervously. I felt a sudden restraint to punch him in the gut.

"Where did you get the water from? And why am I not wet?"

"I think that should be fairly obvious. I thought you were the daughter of the Wisdom Goddess?" Percy smirked. "Let me try to make this clear for you. You are the daughter of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, right?" He waited for me to nod, but I just kept staring holes at him. How could he try to depict me as stupid? He gasped for breath before continuing.

"And I'm the Son of Poseidon. The God of the Sea, right? And as you remember I can control the water." He finished off, pronouncing the last three words slowly, as if I was stupid. I guess this happened when I decided to date the one guy that did not fear anything, not even the Gods, the Titans or the Giants. Seriously. I didn't matter who you were. If you acted like a jerk, Percy would still talk back.

"Percy, I was awake after you kissed me! I was AWAKE when you drenched me in the cold water! Or did you not 'notice'?" I asked in a mocking manner, and practically screaming awake. I thought for myself that maybe he had spent a tad bit too much time with the Stolls. As if the little prankster wasn't already agitated enough before meeting the Kings of Pranks.

"Oops?" he shrugged, trying to make himself look innocent. We both very well knew that was just a lie. It was actually quite funny though. I had learnt the hard way that pranks were funny, even if they were directed at me. I had grown to get used to them after dating Percy for two years. Ever since we beat Kronos, he finally got my signs. I had the best months of my life, spending them with him. Then, he was taken from me, losing all his memory, well almost all his memory. We finally beat Gaea and were now finish the first year after the Titan War. I tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably, thinking about all the things we'd been through together. Aphrodite sure kept her promise, making my love life interesting. Percy noticed my smile.

"Smiling at my genius prank, I see", he said proudly, sticking his hands under his armpits, forming an x on his chest, just like the footballer Mbappé. I suddenly forgot about all hist stupidity and leaned forward to kiss him. He happily accepted my invitation. I formed clear message with the little peck. I am so lucky. He seemed to understand, and just started to grin as he pulled back. I frowned. He immediately began to explain.

"I think you would want to get ready, school starts in 45 minutes", he smiled. I shot a look at the digital watch standing on the desk, and threw the blanket of the bed, nodded to Percy, and rushed to the shower.

In the shower I couldn't help but thinking about the fact that Percy for once was responsible. I made myself a mental note to interrogate him. I was sure he was up to something.

As I changed into my clothes, I noticed the smell of pancakes. After many, many breakfasts, I even managed to smell the blue food coloring, even though it wasn't really letting out a big smell. After many failed attempts, and about 39 phone calls to his mom, Percy had finally managed to learn to make blue pancakes, without the fire department storming the apartment. I quickly put on my socks and ran toward the kitchen.

"Good morning, I totally forgot to say it", Percy said, flipping the pancakes. I hugged him from behind, before smacking the back of his head with a handful of peanut butter. He turned around surprised. Guess what? A year of tolerating a prank-maniac boyfriend made me a prankster too.

"That's it. We're going to school hungry", he grinned. I already knew what this meant. But before I could even react, I felt a heavy batter dripping down my hair. I saw as a drop of blue pancake batter rolled down my chin.

"I just got out of the shower, Percy!" I yelled. "We don't have time for both of us to shower, you never think things through, Seaweed Brain!". I glanced at the watch on the wall, but it was an hour back in time.

"You messed with the watch again, didn't you?"

"How did you know?" he smiled nervously, almost flashing my eyes.

"That means we still got enough time left; I'll get in the shower... again. Two showers in the span of five minutes" I kissed him on the cheek and left for the shower. Of course. The only reason Percy was responsible of the time was to prank me again.

"Where is Sally and Paul?"

"Paul is already at school and mom has gone to a publisher to try to get her new novel published."

"Ok, I'm going to the shower now", I said, trudging towards the bathroom.

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Percy standing there. He was shirtless, with the towel wrapped around his lower body. The towel was blue and had the mark of a trident embroidered on it, making the symbol stand out even more. I stopped in my track as I found myself staring at his inevitable abs.

"Are you finished?"

I nodded and made a path for him to the bathroom. He slipped his way past me and winked before closing the blue door.

I walked to the kitchen, and laid out plates and syrup, before bringing the little amount of pancakes that Percy had made before our prank-battle. This whole time dating him was a prank-war, and occasionally we would have some battles, some big, some little.

When I finished taking out all things for breakfast, I headed to the guest room, which I was using during the whole school year. I had managed to convince my dad to let me stay with Percy at Goode High School for me and Percy's senior year. We were turning 18 this summer. Let me just say, that it was the best school year of my life. Apart from the fact that every other girl and boy tried hitting on Percy and me, everything was as smooth as Riptide. Today was the last day of school, and Percy and I were going to celebrate it by going out after school, before we went to the Camp tomorrow. Honestly, I couldn't wait to get Percy for myself the entire summer, without every girl drooling over him, just like he did in his sleep.

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