A night full of surprises

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I slammed Annabeth into the door, my lips all over her face. I had my arms around her waist, holding tight as if she might disappear. It seemed like she also liked it, because soon, her lips were all over my face. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and slid them into the lock. I twisted the handle and immediately regretted it. Annabeth's slightly high heels tripped over, and she was soon plummeting toward the ground. As she was doing so, she gave me a little smirk. She dragged my t-shirt, and soon I was falling down with her. We both slammed down, Annabeth laying on the ground, me on top. We were both blushing, and soon a wave of shock hit me. Someone cleared their throat, sitting right ahead of me on the brown leathery couch. I recognized the tone and shot back up with my hands, standing straight almost in a salute.

"How nice of you two to finally join us." Us? I quickly scanned the room, and by the kitchen table, to the left of the living room sat another figure, smiling awkwardly. Annabeth was still laying on the ground, unaware of what was happening. She rolled over, so that she was now laying on her belly. She instantly tried to get up again. Notice how I said tried? Her heels didn't do her anygood, because she fell face first downwards again, just about catching herself with the palm of her hands. A loud smack sound filled the uneasy tone of the room. I took a quick 180 turn, slammed the front door shut, before slowly, but awkwardly turning around again.

"I guess the date went well," my mom smirked. She raised her eyebrows at me, then towards Annabeth, who suddenly felt that the little floor was interesting. She couldn't keep her smile supressed anymore, and soon both she and Paul were laughing. I glanced at Annabeth, who was still interested in the floor. Then suddenly, I felt a surge of confidence, and before I could get my mind clear, my ADHD shot in.

"You could say so, or what, Wise Girl?" I loved making things difficult for Annabeth. Because no matter how difficult of a situation I put her in, she always managed to get out of it, which I felt so attracting.

"My shoes were killing me, so I was leaning on the front door, trying to take them off. Percy didn't see this and unlocked the door. When falling, my reflexes pulled Percy with me, and then we were both on the ground. Nothing happened," Annabeth summed up before gasping for breath. I sent my mom a pleading look saying please, let us pass, just this one time. She seemed to understand and gestured for Paul to go to their room. She soon followed, smiling at me. I loved my mom, always so caring and understanding. Annabeth stood there, shocked at what just happened. She looked at me. I couldn't resist the grin that was slowly creeping its way up.

"That was close," Annabeth said as she took of my jacket and threw it at my face. I sensed the smell of her lemon shampoo. I took it all in and smiled. I dragged the jacket off my face and faced a smiling Annabeth. She started walking towards the guest room, which was now her room. She turned around and gestured me to follow, as if I should've already by now. I hurried over to her and placed my right hand, with the tattoo on her waist. Like a real gentleman.

"Ready for your surprise?"

"I think my mom has made me invulnerable to surprises for the next week." I noticed a small grin on Annabeth's face. I gave myself a mental high-five, as I always did when I made her smile. It was the best thing I had accomplished in my whole life. And apparently, I had saved the world twice. I didn't see it as saving the world, though, just as a good deed.

We walked into her room, and on her chair sat a square shaped object, covered by a thin fabric. The square was about 16 inches tall and 25 inches wide. Annabeth stepped over a couple of tools laying on the ground. It sure was not like Annabeth to have a messy room. Then again it wasn't like Annabeth to have surprises. She made her way to the chair and crossed her arms behind her back, she had a firm stand and looked at me with a proud smile covering her face.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This is the surprise, Seaweed Brain!" she said.

"Yes, I know this is the surprise. But what is the surprise?"

"You'll see now." She dragged the thin fabric off the object, and I couldn't help but staring at it. It was beautiful. A glowing metal was surrounding the object itself. I came to a conclusion that the frame was made of celestial bronze. The frame wasn't the thing that really caught my attention. I found myself staring at an amazing piece of art. On the painting was a boy with raven black hair, sea green eyes and a huge grin on his face. Dangling from his neck, was a necklace, with four beads. The first bead was black and had a turquoise trident on it. The second one had the Golden Fleece. On the third bead was a logo of a maze. The last one had the Empire State Building on it, with many unreadable names on it. He was swimming downwards, headed towards a girl. She had blonde, curly hair, with startling grey eyes. She too had a necklace. However, she had maybe nine or ten beads. Four of them were the same as the boy's and the others were various different symbols. It looked as if she was drowning, but she was perfectly calm. On the bottom right of the painting, Wise Girl was written in white. I changed my gaze, and got direct contact with Annabeth's grey eyes, the same grey eyes as in the painting.

"No way," was all I managed to get out. I could see a little smile in her eyes.

"Yes way."

"You made this?"

"Don't look so surprised." I knew that Annabeth had been taking art classes the last year, but in all honesty, I didn't even think that the daughter of Athena could manage to pick up such an amazing amount of skill in such short time. I guess learning was natural for her.

"You're amazing," I let out. I stepped over to her and gave her a little peck on the lips. I could tell her face lit up.

"It's for you," she said. I was shocked. This painting was the best painting I had ever seen. I didn't know of a single place worthy enough to have it. I had to have it hanging somewhere, where it made an impact. A beautiful place, which could match the painting's beauty. I suddenly knew where to place the painting.

"I know exactly where to put this."

"Oh really? Tell me then," she said and leaned har head on my chest. My heart skipped a beat. This was the nicest thing anyone had done to me.

"Only one place is beautiful enough to host such a beautiful painting." Okay, maybe I was rubbing in a bit. But honestly, the painting deserved nothing less. "My father's palace in Atlantis."

I could tell I surprised her yet again, because I got a passionate and loving kiss on the lips. I realized I was getting warmer, because I could feel a tiny bit of sweat in my armpits.

"Why are you so calm in the painting. It seems as if you're drowning."

She looked up, and I realized yet again how lucky I was. The most beautiful girl in the world was mine.

"Because Seaweed Brain... I trust the sea; I trust you to always be there for me."

"You're right. I will always be there for you, no matter what. I promise. I love you Wise Girl."

She never told me back, but I didn't need words. I knew by the way she was kissing me. Her message was clear. She loved me too.

"Are you guys not going to sleep? You'll have to get up early for camp tomorrow!" I heard my mom shouting, but in a sweeting way from her room. I struggled to take my eyes off of Annabeth's. I looked at the digital watch on her desk. My mom was right, we had to get some sleep before we headed off to camp.

"She's right," Annabeth said. I kissed her on the lips one more time before I started walking out of her room. I grabbed the painting gently and carried it to my room. I made it stand on my chair, before I dove straight towards bed, just like the boy in the painting did towards Annabeth. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to be that boy.

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