Plans, plans and plans

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I was worried sick. I saw Percy collapse after putting out the fire. I wanted to run straight down to him and aid him, but I already saw that Chiron was heading for him, so I put my emotions aside and decided to handle the bronze dragon. I saw a small Latino elf running after it, trying to calm down the dragon. I knew better that dragon was crazy and needed to be dealt with. I spotted Thalia and all the rest of the hunters running out of the Artemis Cabin, their bows drawn out.

"Thalia!" She spotted me and sent me a mental wassup.

"Go for its eyes!" Thalia nodded and lead the rest of the hunters on a dangerous hunt.

"Will! You have to tend the wounded. Gather all children of Apollo and get them to help you!" Will glanced towards the direction of my voice and nodded, soon all the Apollo kids were carrying away wounded campers.

"Clarisse! Let me see what a kid of Ares can do!" Clarisse grinned at me wickedly then grabbed her spear and charged the dragon.

After my directions and orders, it was a piece of cake. After a little moment, the dragon was laying on the ground, three arrows sticking out each of its ruby red eyes and several spears were inside the automaton's mouth. Leo was hovering over the dragon, crying his eyes off in a pranking way.

"You were so young, and so innocent. Dam you, dam you all!" He was throwing his hands all over the place, but I could see him suppressing a smile, as if this was all a wicked joke.

"Are you out of your mind? This isn't some joke, Leo!" I shouted at him. And soon everyone joined. Leo just blocked out all of the chiding my laughing.

"Hey, no one got hurt!" Everyone stared daggers at him.

"Okay, scratch that. No one got killed." He said, he was grinning like a mad man that had just found his lost socks after two weeks.

"Annabeth, can you help us with the wounded?" I heard Will shouting. I thought about Percy, and how I needed to be with him now. Those eight waves had really drained him. However, I came to a conclusion, that the wounded most likely needed more help, so I dragged Leo by his pointy hear, moving my way towards the infirmary. No way was I going to let him get away with the madness he had caused.

At the infirmary Leo was nonstop complaining about how he didn't deserve to see horrible wounds.

"Man up," I chided.

"I think Percy needs me. You won't let him be alone do you?" he tried to trick me. He pushed of the chair and was about to go when I pulled his ear again, intentionally with the hand that had blood on it.

"I think I'm going to puke," Leo said making faces.

"Nice try, I sent Nico to watch him."

Our not so friendly conversation was cut short when I noticed a tall figure with broad shoulders, blonde spiky hair, blue eyes and tanned skin show up at the door. Scott. He winked at me, and right there, I almost let go of Leo's ear and almost puked myself.

"Hey, Annabeth!" He sounded excited.

"No," I grunted.

"It's been a long time," he still wouldn't let me alone.


Leo burst out a little laugh but was cut short when Scott stared at him.

"You told me you would leave me alone," I said as I removed my hand off of Leo's ear and started cleaning it with a little fabric.

"Yeah, but I am the son of Hermes, right? Stealing involves lying," he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Dude, you got no chance, once you see her boyfriend," Leo jumped in.

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