The green sea

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I woke up from my horrible flashback. I opened my eyes and let out a huge sigh. I was waiting for this summer to get over as quick as possible. Even though Scott was a complete maniac, he at least let me spend the school year away from camp, and he would be staying at camp, training. Unfortunately, it was at least a month left. I felt a sudden feeling of sadness. As always, I looked at my right wrist, where the tattoo of a black trident was. I smiled. It was enough happiness to make me get out of bed. When I glanced around, every bed was empty, except for one. I guess they were already out, eating breakfast. On the only unavailable bed, I saw a blond boy, at my age, sobbing and crying.

"Malcolm, what's wrong?"

He looked up. His eyes were red from crying. It's been a whole year, and every single morning, I would be waking up, just to see him cry. I walked over to him and started comforting him.

"I'm fine." He put hid his head back in his lap. He was definitely not fine. I decided that he probably just needed some time alone, so I got changed into something else than PJs and stepped out of the cabin, when I was greeted by a blonde guy.

"Hi, sweetie."

I gritted my teeth and walked past him.

"Come on, Annabeth. You're my girlfriend, you can't avoid me forever, remember?"

"I'm only your girlfriend because you made me!"

"It's no problem, you will eventually fall for me," he said and laid a hand on my wrist. I pushed his hand away and rushed off to the dining area.

"Don't forget our date tonight, remember? I want you to wake up with a good feeling for your birthday tomorrow!"

Unfortunately, I hadn't forgotten. How could I when my life was so miserable with him? I was not looking forward to what was going to be the worst birthday of my life tomorrow.


I was strictly ordered by Scott to wear something nice. He had handed me a white dress, and to be honest, I hadn't bothered to look at it, I just put it on and prayed to every Olympian to get the night over as fast as possible.

Scott had invited every camper to a little party on the fireworks beach. The guy didn't apparently know what a date meant.

As I was walking down towards the beach, I felt a small hand on my left shoulder. I turned around and saw the only one of my old friends that talked to me a bit. His hand was cold, as a reflex I pulled back. He would come with updates daily as I had pleaded him. Daily I would ask him whether Percy was still alive or not, just like I did when Percy disappeared two years ago. Except for the fact that, this time he was gone. Forever. Fortunately, according to Nico he was still alive, even though I would never see him again, I still loved Percy. He was the only one holding a key to my heart, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I asked my daily question.

"Is he alive?" I whispered.

"Yes," Nico answered short, before vanishing again. That was pretty much how our everyday conversation was.

I walked down a couple of more yards when I spotted Piper. She spotted me too.

"If it isn't the birthday girl," Piper said mockingly.

"It's tomorrow," I answered with a fake smile. I couldn't let anyone know I was unhappy. I couldn't think of what Scott might do.

"Whatever, tonight's going to be great!"

She had no idea.


As I arrived at the beach, I saw Scott with an Aphrodite kid leaning uncomfortably close to him. Throughout the whole year, he had tried to make me jealous. It's hard to make someone jealous when they don't have feeling for you.

Scott and I made eye contact. He got the message and I could see disappointment in his eyes. There were already a lot of rumors about his loyalty and to be honest, I didn't want to stick around for a whole party on the beach just to be a main topic when it came to gossiping.

I spotted a tiny boat slamming against the dock. I looked at the ocean. It seemed as if it was having a fight with itself. It was out of control, almost angry.

"Yeah, I've heard Scott got it done with Christina from the Demeter cabin," some girls snickered. I could tell their eyes were staring at me.

Someone hugged be from behind. Scott. I turned around to face him, my fake smile intact which I had become so good at keeping.

"What do you want, Scott?"

"I want to spend the party with my girlfriend."

"I'm not sure about you. But I don't like gossiping, and I give plenty of themes to talk about. I can't be spending time here."


"I'm saying, I will leave now. And you will let me. If I stay here any longer, it will jeopardize your little fantasy."

He started nodding.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, sweetie." He pecked me on the lips. Not wanting to make people suspicious I reluctantly returned the kiss. He wouldn't let go until I pulled back.

I started untying the knot holding the boat to the dock. I got amazing flashbacks of my amazing moments with Percy when I visited the sea, and today I really needed it. Tomorrow would be my first birthday without Percy in six years.

The boat slowly drifted off from the beach and soon I was about a mile away from the beach. I was laying down and decided to get up, when a rope wrapped itself around my right ankle. Soon I found myself falling out of the boat, down towards the green sea. The ice-cold water initiated a shock on my body. I was in a different world, before snapping out of it. I started trying to swim up, but my tied ankle turned out to be a major obstacle. I felt the need for oxygen. My lungs were burning. I desperately attempted to untie the rope but had no luck. I kept pulling and pulling, when suddenly two male hands started unknotting the rope. I was already drifting into unconsciousness. But before doing so, I got a good glimpse of sea green eyes and a necklace with four beads around his neck. There was also this powerful aura, coming straight from him. I drifted towards the surface and suddenly I was laying on the firework beach, far away from the party, though. I noticed that the little amount of water in my lungs were flowing straight out of my body. I bolted straight up and started looking for the figure which had saved me. There was only trees and stones around me. I was almost sure I saw him. I could recognize those eyes anywhere. I looked at the sea one more time just before leaving, to remember myself of the love of my life. Unlike earlier, the sea was now calmer and greener than before.

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