Seaweed Brain doesn't fit anymore

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I woke up suddenly by a high-pitched scream, then followed by arguments.

I rolled to my left side, where my nightstand was located. A feeling of frustration clouds my mind as I see that it's almost 5 AM. Who on earth wakes up at 5 AM, then decide to ruin the morning for every other camper?

"What's that?" asked one of my siblings. And in five minutes, I walk out the door, with the whole cabin six at my tail, determined to give these people a piece of my mind.

The voices are still loud, and it seems as if it's coming from Zeus' fist. As my entire cabin nears the fist, I notice that pretty much the entire cabin has crowded the fist in a circle. The only cabin missing, or more like the only one missing is cabin three.

"Alright, you guys stay with the crowd, I'm going to see what the problem is," I said. I glanced at Malcolm, and it broke me to see him so defeated. I cleared my mind and pushed my way through the crowd of sleep-deprived demigods.

When I saw the fist, two girls stood by the fist. The first one had curly black hair, with a nice, tanned skin. She was fairly tall, but not quite as tall as me, and I recognized her as Claire from the Aphrodite cabin. She was 18, the same age as me, and had been to camp for eight months. Opposite of her, stood an equally tall girl, however this one had straight dark hair with roses embedded in it. Her outfit was only green, and she was holding a little white puppy retriever in her left hand. She was 17 years-old Rose from the Demeter cabin. She had been to camp for five months.

"Give her back!" Claire shouted from the top of her lungs.

"She's mine, I won't allow you to steal her from me again, Claire!"

"What's going on?" I interrupted.

Both of their eyes shot towards my direction. And both of them sighed in relief.

"Rose stole Nillie from me!" Claire pointed towards the little puppy.

"No, it's my puppy, Claire. So back off, before I turn you into a potato!"

"Come on guys, one of you is lying. You might as well come forward with it. You just woke up the whole camp."

"But she's mine!" They both yelled in unison.

I looked through the crowd quick, and an idea popped into my head.

"Piper!" I shouted.

Piper shuffled through the crowd and appeared by my side.

"You know who's lying?" she asked.

"No, but we will soon. How about some charmspeak?"

I looked at Piper hopefully, but she just looked at me.

"Annabeth, charmspeak doesn't work like that. I can't make them tell the truth; I can just command them into doing something. It doesn't work like a lie detector. You can thank my mom for that. She says that love, with a little bit of lies in it makes it more exciting."

Well that idea flew straight out of the way.

"Hey, babe."

Come on. I really don't want to deal with this right now.

"What, Scott?" I spat.

"Got any ideas?"

Everyone were looking at me expectantly. Of course, a daughter of Athena has to have the whole pressure of solving problems.

As I was going to reply that I had nothing, footsteps could be heard from further away. The two girls had been silent, waiting for my words.

"What's going on here? It's 5 AM in the morning!" came the soothing voice that I knew all too well.

When Percy appeared in front of the crowd he stood there expectantly, waiting for someone to answer him.

"She stole my puppy!" The two girls shouted again.

Everyone looked at Percy. He was lost in thought for a couple of seconds, before reaching to his right pocket. He pulled out the pen and uncapped it. Out sprung Riptide.

"Okay, hand over the puppy," his voice sounded firm, and I was sure that his voice would work as well as Piper's charmspeak.

Rose looked at him hesitantly, before handing the puppy over.

Percy put the puppy down on the ground. He raised his sword, as if getting ready to chop the puppy in half.

"I'm going to kill this puppy."

As Percy drew Riptide down towards the puppy, a high-pitched voice made him stop.

"No, fine. It's Rose's puppy." Claire looked defeated. I noticed the smug expression of Rose from the corner of my eye.

I got to give it to Percy. That was really smart. Now we know that it was Rose's puppy. You can imagine the surprised face when I heard the next words stumble out of Percy's mouth.

"The puppy is Claire's!" he shouted.

Everyone turned their confused faces towards Percy.

"What?" Rose looked shocked.

"Do you have problem hearing? I said the puppy is Claire's, which means that you're the one trying to trick us."

"But she just said that it was mine!"

As the puppy made its way towards Claire, everyone waited in anticipation, wanting to hear Percy's logic.

"That is because she loves the puppy and doesn't want me to kill it. The real owner just wants the puppy to be safe."

When he finished talking, he spun around and disappeared in the direction of the cabins.

Seaweed Brain doesn't fit anymore.

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