I think too much

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"See you tomorrow, baby," Scott said before turning around and started walking back to the Hermes cabin. I slammed the door back shut. I turned around and saw my siblings staring at me. All of them seemed shocked, apart from Malcolm.

"What happened, Annabeth?" they all asked in unison.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just mad that he had to say goodbye, that's all." I put on a fake smile and everyone fell for it, they started awing, but Malcolm just had guilt in his eyes. For the last year I had kept telling him that I was happy with Scott. He knew me better than so.

"Anyways, I'm really tired. I got to sleep."

I brushed my teeth, changed to my PJs and slid into my bed. I took a good look at the tattoo on my right wrist. A trident. That was all the comforting I needed before I went to sleep. I scanned around myself in my sleep and realised that it would be a nightmare, a horrible flashback. A flashback of the worst day of my life.


Throughout that night, I didn't see Percy, not once. I decided that he probably needed some time to think, so I didn't seek after him. I figured it would be better that I visited him early in the morning. To be honest, I hadn't planned out how to let him know I didn't like Scott. I knew that if someone could help me with this devastating mess, it was Percy.

I woke up and was sneaking out when I saw that Malcolm was awake.

"You're up early." I said as I pushed his shoulder. I was pretending to be happy, but I was dying inside. It was the first night in a long time where Percy and I hadn't told each other good night, and it was killing me. I missed his soft and gentle kiss, his warmth when he wrapped me in a hug and the amazing scent of the sea, steaming out of him.

"I-I d-didn't s-sleep." I was already closing the door when I heard those sad and disturbing words. I was about to open the door again, but it was already closed. I didn't want to wake up the others, so I made a mental note to myself to talk with Malcolm after I had visited Percy.

I opened his cabin door, which was covered in seaweed and had a neat gold trident under the seaweeds. I was surprised when I saw that by his bed was Thalia. She turned around and stared at me. I was relieved it was Thalia. She would listen to me, we had known each other for eleven years, since I was seven and she was 12.

"He told me." She was clinching her fist.

"Thalia, I need to talk to you and Percy, where is he?"

"There isn't anything to talk about, Annabeth." She paused.

"The boy is broken. He loved you." I was feeling guilt grow in my throat and was holding back my tears.

"My door is closed for you. Don't approach me, ever again." She walked off slowly, letting me feel the cold words and really taste them.

I felt tears falling. I looked at where Percy used to have his shield, which Tyson had given him. He would only take it with him when he left camp. Then it me. The shield wasn't there. My breathing became heavy, and I instantly regretted for not talking to him last night. You would think that I would be crying more, punching everything I saw and collapsed to the floor. Honestly, I didn't know what was happening. Everything had happened so fast. I had never imagined life without Percy. I walked out of the Poseidon cabin, completely emotionless. It took me approximately ten minutes before I broke down. The love of my life was gone, and I was stuck with Scott.

As I was eating my breakfast at the dining area, there were whispers about how Scott had finally got me. The only old friends that were shocked, staring at me throughout breakfast was Nico, Thalia and Grover. Jason and Leo were away from camp, spending some nights at New York, trying to explore the city. None of the other campers, including Scott had ever seen me and Percy together. They thought that I was a single girl that had just started dating the tall Hermes kid.

I glanced at the Poseidon table. Once there was sitting a handsome boy, smiling, making jokes and staring at me. The table was now empty.

"Annabeth!" A familiar female voice shouted. Piper was walking from the Aphrodite cabin with a huge grin on her face.

I put on my fake smile and pretended that everything was okay.

"Hi, Piper!" I said squeakily.

"I thought you had a boyfriend?" Piper was wiggling her eyebrows at me. I used all my might to not start crying right there. I contained my fake smile before answering her.

"Yeah, no. I guess he was just fake?"

"I knew it! You and Scott are so cute together!"

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