Under the Sea

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"Mr. Percy, wake up, your dad has requested your presence," were the words that snapped me out of my first comfortable sleep after the incident at Camp Half-Blood. Surprising enough, I recognized that soft voice.

As my eyes fluttered open, I was greeted with the sweet face of Pynthia in the original maids' clothes now.

"Mr?" I questioned. I honestly thought that we were past the formalities by now, even though it has barely been a day that I have met her, but still, there was something about her that was welcoming.

"Right, sorry, Percy. But your dad wants to speak to you."

I decided to say something really intelligent, so I stuck with a simple, "no."

I heard a small chuckle from where Pynthia stood before I closed my eyes again.

"He says it's urgent."

"Fine, give me one minute to change out of my PJs," I opened my eyes again and made my glance at her obvious. "I see you already have," I said sourly, but I hoped she recognize my playful tone.

Again, I heard a small chuckle. "I have indeed, and I have to say, that PJs are the best things that any visitor has ever brought to Atlantis."

"Well, I am glad that we are on the same page."

Pynthia smiled at me and made her way out of my room, so that I could get changed again.

After changing I was accompanied by Pynthia on the way to where my dad was, because honestly, I have no idea where anything in the palace is.

We made some small talk along the way, and when we reached my dad, who was sat on a throne, which had two smaller thrones to the sides of them, Pynthia waved goodbye, and I was left alone with my dad.

"Good morning Percy, or should I say afternoon?" my dad thought.

"Yeah, yeah, blame it on the jet lag."

My dad left out a little laugh.

"So, Percy. I suppose the time you are here; you don't just want to sleep right?"

To be honest, sleeping was all I wanted to do. When I was asleep, I didn't need to think about why I was here to begin with. I didn't feel the pain, only when I had nightmares, which wasn't very often now, thankfully. I guess I can thank the water that surrounds me.

But at the same time, I knew that I had to try to move on. No matter how hard it was going to forget those grey eyes, blonde curls and intelligent smile. I had to take my mind off of her. Off of what she had done.

"No, do you have any suggestions to tourist attractions in the lost city?" I asked my dad.

My dad decided to play along. "Yes, we have sword fighting lessons, which are quite different from what they teach at camp. There are also concerts every other night, right in front of the big gates. Or you could go snorkeling, but I think that you will get used to the different fish that float around the city if you just do the other activities."

"Hmmmm, sword fighting you say?" I put my finger on my chin, tapping it, pretending to think the offer thoroughly. "That does sound quite fun. When does it start?"

"In about ten minutes, there are three sessions every day, each of them lasts an hour and a half."

"Can anyone show me the way?"

"Pynthia will be with you in a minute, I have other business to attend to. Have fun Percy. You missed the first session in the morning, you can join the two that are left, see you for dinner!"

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