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Another request!


McNasty had planned a party at his house for some unknown reason. He described it as just to hang with friends. This so called party was happening this Saturday so Eric and I had a few days to pack and get tickets since he lived in California.

"I got our flights booked." Eric announces once I walk downstairs.

"That was fast." I reply.

"Gotta get them early or we won't get them at all." Eric makes a good point.

"What time is the flight?" I question.

"Friday at noon." He replies while looking at his laptop screen.

I stare at him with an annoyed look. "The party isn't until Saturday. Night!"

"I know, I know! I already texted McNasty and he said he had an extra room."

"Well we better start getting packed. We only have a few days and we don't want to forget anything by accident."

He gives a nod in agreement and he follows me upstairs. We go to our respective rooms and since the walls are thin, we start yelling to each other talking about the party.

"Do you think Tux will be there?" Eric shouts from his room.

"He probably invited him just for you." I shout back.

There was a silence for a few seconds. "I hope he's there." Eric states, not necessarily shouting but still audible.

"Someone has a crush!" I tease.

"Not like you don't have one!" Eric retorts.

"What?" I shout back with confusion.

"Oh I know! You like McNasty, I can tell!"

"THAT may or may not be true!"


We burst into a fit of laughter. We continued on with packing our suitcases in silence. Once we were both done, we were discussing who would be in charge of what. Eric decided he would drive to the airport on Friday and I would drive back on Sunday.

"Now that everything is planned out, we can relax." Eric says while putting his feet on the coffee table.

"And now we wait for Friday." I add on, also putting my feet up.

We sat in silence for awhile. Both of us just letting out some deep breaths. The tv wasn't even on for us to watch.

"Okay, this boring." I say standing up.

"Agreed." Eric also stands up. "Wanna see if anyone is free to game?"

"Yeah, I'll text the group."

We both head upstairs to our rooms. Until we got some replies, we just played multiplayer in Modern Warfare. When we got midway through our first game, we got a reply from Grizzy and Smitty saying they would join.

"Perfect! We got a squad." I say, happy that other people were available.

Eric and I left our call and went into the designated warzone call. We finished the game we were in and I backed us out and put us in warzone while I invited the other two.

"So is this going to be a casual thing?" Grizzy asked once he got in the call. "Just so I know what mode to be in."

"Casual for the most part. We were just bored." Eric answers.

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