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Reader is roommates with Soup in this one! As per the request. Enjoy!


The day started off pretty normal. Soup and I were talking about the session happening today during breakfast. That then lead to us yelling in weird accents about who was going to be late and what not.

"I think Dooo is going to be late today." I say which makes Soup raise his brows at me.

"Well, since we usually guess Grizzy is gonna be late, I think McNasty is." He says. "Now we're both gonna be wrong."

"I have a feeling he will be on time this time. He's not always late." I reply.

"We shall see about that."

We put our bowls away after that sentence and hurry to our setups. As if planned, we both joined the discord call getting greeted by Grizzy and Dooo. Thus meaning McNasty had the chance of being late.

"_____, did we make a bet? Cause we should've." Soup stated making the other two confused.

"What bet?" Dooo asked.

"Soup and I were discussing who was gonna be late and we avoided betting on Grizzy so I begged Dooo would be late while Soup better McNasty would." I explained.

"They were so confident in you Grizzy that you wouldn't be!" Soup adds in.

"Wait, you thought I would be late?!" Dooo asked in fake offense.

"I just didn't wanna say Grizzy would he so I just said you." I quickly defend myself.

"I'll let it slide for now." Dooo finally says.

"AHHHH!" The one and only McNasty had entered the chat. In his usual style.

"Look who's finally here!" Grizzy shouts.

"Woah! Grizzy got here before me?" McNasty says in shock.

"Okay bitch." Grizzy insults back.

After we all settled down we finally loaded up siege and started recording. We got in one lobby with Grizzy being leader and got in a game fairly quick.

"Kanal?! This is the WORST map!" I complain upon seeing what map we were playing in. (I know map banning is a thing now)

"Looks like you're just gonna have to deal with it." Dooo says after my complaint.

We did the op bans and chose our characters. Since we were on defense, I didn't really have a main so I just went with Warren for the round. Grizzy being the doc main he is, didn't need to do any set up after doing reinforcements, immediately went to find a spawn peek.

"Grizzy, you're just going to make them do the same thing!" McNasty says, making a good point.

"But I like doing it." Grizzy declares after killing two people. After he walked away from the window laughing maniacally.

"Okaaaay weirdo." I say after hearing him.

Thanks to Grizzy spawn peeking, we ended up winning that round. We were on defense again and chose the same people except I went with Alibi. After the first minute or so, the most unfortunate thing happened; I got the hiccups. And sadly, I was not quiet when I had them.

"____, can you stop?" Dooo asked.

"I can't be quiet when I have them." I answer him.

"This is true. I can usually hear them from across the room." Soup confirms.

"They sound like they hurt." McNasty adds in.

"They do *hiccup* hurt!" I slightly complain.

"Have you tried holding your breath?" Grizzy tries offering a solution.

"That never works for me." I say quickly. "I do *hiccup* it at least three *hiccup* times before I give *hiccup* up." I finally get out.

"Spectating you is something else. Every time you hiccup your mouse jerks." Dooo says with a slight laugh.

"Seems like you're gonna have a difficult time playing." McNasty points out.


"I was wondering why Soup was quiet." Grizzy pointed out the said mans absence.

"Do you still have the hiccup?" Soup asks with a sly grin.

"No I don't but you didn't have to scare me!" I retort throwing one of my pillows on the ground at him.

"There was no other option." Soup tried to explain after getting hit.

"After this round I could have easily gotten water or done other methods I've done before." I say like it was obvious.

Soup eventually left to get back to his own setup. I put my headset back on unknowingly throwing them off during the scare. The other guys were just conversing as normal waiting for us two to get back.

"Is everything all good now?" Dooo asked with a small chuckle like cough.

"Everything is fine." Soup answers before I could.

"It's just now Soup has a death wish." I add in.

"You best be careful then Soup." McNasty jokingly adds.

"What are they gonna do?" Soup questions.

"They can easily suffocate you in your sleep. So sleep with one eye open." Grizzy answers.

"Clearly you've never met ___. If this session was later in the night they would be out as soon as they log off." Soup replies, saying exactly what I do.

"Yeah that's true." I agree. "And if Soup were to wake up, he could easily overpower me."

"That's a fair point." Dooo agrees.

We continued on with the session as normal but I had gotten the hiccups one more time. This time instead of Soup scaring me, I quickly got some water and started chugging it down as fast as I could. I managed to get rid of them but I hiccuped while drinking almost causing me to drown.


I kinda forgot Wattpad was a thing for awhile there. But I hope you guys enjoyed this nonetheless (:

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