Grizzy 🔞

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Spicy request

This takes place when Puffer and Grizzy live together!

Grizzy had texted me saying he was bored. Typical. Puffer had gone on a trip with family and wondered if I could come over, since I was close by. Neither of us were in a gaming mood so I just agreed. I had nothing better to do.

I quickly grabbed some minor things I may need and hopped in my car and drive off in the direction of their house. It just so happened to be a 5 minute drive which wasn't too bad. And the only reason Grizzy didn't come to my house, is because he doesn't have his license (I couldn't find if he did or didn't).

Once I entered the driveway, I saw Grizzy said to just walk in; so I did just that. Grizzy was chilling on the couch when I entered.

"Hey!" Grizzy yelled, dragging out the word.

"Wassup?" I reply just as loud.

I walk towards him and sit down getting comfortable. He had been watching some show on the tv so I just joined in not really knowing what to do. It wasn't even five minutes when I started watching it that it ended.

"Did you wanna go do something?" Grizzy asked, turning the tv off.

"Like what? We both know damn well there's nothing for us outside to do." I give an honest answer.

"You got a point." Grizzy sighs after he says this. "How about we just chill and watch some movies? Have a relaxing time."

"Sounds like a great idea to me!" I agree to the offer that stands.

Grizzy turned the tv back on and went to Netflix. I suggested a horror movie, and reluctantly, Grizzy agreed and put one on. I laid back more to get more comfortable and put my feet up. I didn't hear Grizzy say not to so I assumed it was okay. Plus, he did the same not long after I did.

The movie was getting to the climax and Grizzy was slowly holding onto me more and more. I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or just the heat of the moment. Either way, I didn't mind.

There was a jump scare that got me so I jumped a bit and must've gone into Grizzy a bit. At the same time, Grizzy tightened his grip on my arm which also might have added to me jumping into him.

It's only half way through the movie and I'm already in his lap. I became keenly aware of this and shortly became nervous. It became very difficult to pay attention to the movie in this situation. Grizzy, I would assume, was completely unaware of everything happening. He was hugging my waist without realizing and sometimes squeezed at certain times. Soon enough, it got very hot in the room and became twice as nervous.

"Are you okay? You became really hot all of the sudden." Grizzy asks with concern.

"I'm fine. I think the movie and our closeness just overheated me." I say, making up a half lie.

Suddenly feeing uncomfortable, I try to shift myself around to get a better position. I knew I should've the second I heard a muffled grunt. Grizzys grip tightened a bit once I did. This told me everything I needed to know. I test my limits and go to get up, and of course I'm unable to. I'm held in place.

"Grizz I need a drink." I whine once he denied me getting up.

"But you're so warm." This was Grizzys excuse.

"I'm getting a little too warm." I reply, once again trying to get up.

He loosens his grip a tad but immediately changes his mind and tightens his grip a bit tighter than before. I let out a small chuckle in return. Suddenly feeling more confident I lean into his ear.

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