A Corrupt Dream

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A two-sided poem based on Dream's character in the SMP. Also based on the song Marionettes. 

Chaos, Love

friends were puppets

trophies became names

Start to end

Dreamons were threats

Dreamons and me:

start from running

Power became friends


Tightly hold strings

Me tightly gripping, them

What is there?

Don't you see,


The discs spinning you endlessly,

Kings become gods

Yield? you hunting God

Kings to Me

Love, you to me

War is fighting petty

chaos, corruption,

would what else

King Dream, bring thee?


Love, Chaos

puppets were friends

names became trophies

End to start

threats were Dreamons

me and Dreamons:

running from start

friends became Power


strings hold Tightly

them gripping tightly, me

there is what?

see, you don't


endlessly, you spinning the discs

gods become Kings

God hunting you. Yield?

Me to Kings

me to you, Love

petty fighting is war

corruption, chaos,

else what would

Bring thee, Dream King?

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