9 - Effects

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Kenma's POV:

Now that he figured out his feelings, it's hard to look at Y/N the same. Y/N must have noticed, but she probably brushes it off (again).

What Y/N has the most effect on are himself, video games, and volleyball.

Video games. He has a friend to talk to about video games and not have to worry about what they say or if they understand. He like that, but there were also times that Y/N would ask a lot of questions and he would stutter over the answers.

Volleyball. Now that he knows what his feelings are, having Y/N watching him playing volleyball is like acting crazy around your crush. Kenma would be more careful when he jumped, trying to act "normal". He gained confused looks from his teammates and some smirks from Kuroo. ...And he constantly glances over to Y/N and sees her smile.

"...Kenma? Are you okay?" Y/N snapped her fingers in front of Kenma (if you can't snap your fingers just don't include it). "Y-you lost the game." She looks confused and worried.

Kenma looks up to see a big "GAME OVER" on the TV screen.

He groaned ever so slightly. "Are you okay? You never lost a game- at least, not because of me." Y/N smiled, pausing her game.

She was right- Kenma never lost a game. The only time he did was because he was paying too much attention to Y/N or Y/N was talking to Kenma, which Kenma pay close attention and end up losing his game.

Kenma started to sweat, his hands shaking as he started a new game. "I'm fine." He mumbled, barely loud enough for Y/N to hear him but Y/N just smiled and return to her game. "Okie." The clicking on her switch started again.

Kenma glanced over at Y/N for what feels like a minute (To Y/N, it was 10 whole minutes) and started his game.

Clicking noises filled the room and soon there were "YES! I FINISHED THE MISSION!" from Y/N and a relief sigh from Kenma when he wins the game.




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