Chapter 4: Sleepovers on the couch

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After putting away her new clothes, Hope decided to go for a walk around the compound. She needed to clear her head and figure out the rest of her plan for Operation Home. It was what she'd been calling it, the whole saving Storybrooke thing, as a way of feeling closer to her family, especially her brother. He would always come up with code names for whatever mischief he was planning.

Phase one was complete; get onto the team, though she knew they still didn't trust her yet. Phase two was going to be trickier, getting them to believe her backstory.

As she walked around the estate, Hope saw Steve in the distance practicing with a shield.

Let the games begin, deary!

Hiding behind a bush, Hope started using her magic to mess with Steve. She didn't want to hurt him, but simply make him really frustrated with himself. She would make him fall over his own feet or even randomly drop his shield. Watching him curse at himself helped her to forget about her worries for a little while, but the moment was short lived as she snapped back into reality when it started to rain.

Not wanting Steve to spot her behind the bush when he turned to go back indoors, Hope used her magic to transport herself a little closer to the building. Somewhere she knew no one would randomly see her appear in a cloud of white and gold mist; the signature colour of her magic.


That night, Hope awoke from her nightmare crying, the torment crashing down on her chest and leaving her gasping for air.

She had been lost in thought for about  fifteen minutes, finally able to breathe normally again, when she was convinced that she heard a voice speaking softly to her. A voice she'd recognise anywhere, that of her mother. "We'll find each other again, Hope, our family always does. You have to learn to love yourself, sweetie; love is the answer, the nightmares will stop with love." All too soon, the voice was gone, and Hope was once again sat there in silence.

"Mom, no, please come back! I can't do this without you, I need you. All of you. I'm no saviour, I can't do this. Please come back to me!"

Hope burst into another fit of tears. The weight of knowing that she was the only one who could save them was often too much for her, and even though she was normally able to keep her composure, the sleepless nights were taking their toll. As the tears continued to fall she channelled the little energy she had left towards not letting her magic rip through the nearby walls as she finally let herself cry, even if it was just for a little while.

Sam, whose bedroom was next door, had overhead her crying so decided to check on her. He knocked on the door. "Hey, Hope, are you okay? Can I come in?"

"Um... yeah of course," Hope sniffled, as she wiped away her tears.

"I'm not going to pretend to know what's going on, Swan, but you can talk to me if you need to."

"Swan..." Hope said smiling as she looked at the charm on her bracelet, "That's what Dad would call Mom. I miss them, Sam. My whole life it was just my family and me in our own little world. No care for what was going on outside of our town. Everything was perfect."

"Sounds like a fairy-tale." Hope laughed at the innocent irony of his comment. "What did I say? Why are you laughing?"

"I'll tell you soon, Sam, I promise, but I can't yet. It's all too complicated at the moment. Don't hate me, please."

"Don't worry, I don't hate you, Swan. Just know that I'm here for you when you need me," he assured.

"Thanks, Sam." She smiled at him, thinking for a second. "But you know what I could do with now? Ice-cream!"

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