Chapter 8: Love is the key

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For the third night in a row, Hope didn't have any nightmares, sleeping peacefully until the soft sound of her alarm woke her up.

She was getting ready to head down for breakfast when she remembered what she'd heard her mother say: 'the nightmares will stop with love'. Astonished, Hope's legs turned to jelly and she needed to sit down on her bed before she fell over, flashbacks racing through her mind. Memories with Sam, times with the team, laughing with the girls, training, and feeling like a complete badass... Love is the key, of course! How did I not see it before? I had to learn to love myself.

After regaining her composure, Hope made her way down to the kitchen, where she found Peter eating a bowl of cereal and Tony sipping his coffee. "Good morning, kiddo," Tony said.

"Isn't it just!"

"You're in a good mood this morning, considering what happened last night," Peter said, before slurping some of the milk off his spoon.

"I was until you just made that awful noise!" Hope laughed as she walked behind him, messing up his hair. "Last night is in the past now. The only thing that matters today is that I haven't had any nightmares for the past three days."

"That's good news, kiddo!" The billionaire took another sip of his drink, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Thanks, Tony!"

"Hope, can I tell you something? And you have to promise that you won't go crazy at me like you did with Steve," Peter said softly.

"I promise, Pete. Shoot!"

"I know you said that I shouldn't be scared of you, but I kind of am." He paused to sip at his orange juice. "Last night with Cap, it was as if you were somebody completely different. And that person you became, they were terrifying."

"The kid's right, Hope," Stark piped up. "In all honesty, I thought there was a chance you were actually going to kill him."

Hope laughed nervously before smiling at Peter. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. He just really pissed me off last night and I felt like I needed a different approach to get the message across. It was kind of funny watching him squirm though."

The three of them laughed for a moment before Peter spoke up. "It sort of gave me nightmares if I'm honest."

"Oh my God, Peter, I'm so sorry. I promise that I'll never hurt you, I couldn't. I'm so so--"

"Now that I come to think of it," Tony said, finishing his coffee. "I reckon you had the same effect on me too. Where did you learn to go all psycho-crazy like that?"

"Thanks for calling me a psycho, Stark." Hope laughed, trying to figure out how to answer. "Like I said to the girls and Sam, part of my family has a pretty shady past. Don't worry, that's all behind us now, but I picked up a few tricks on how to think and act like the bad guy. Hence why I understand how they work and am rather good at manipulating people's weaknesses. That's how I beat you the other day, Tony, I used your ego against you."

He scoffed at her remark. "Shit, kid! We've got to go, you're already late," Tony cursed, glancing down at his watch. "Grab your bag and meet me in the car!"

"But Mr. Stark, I haven't finished my cereal."

"I don't care, Peter, get moving! May's going to kill us."

"Don't worry, Pete, I'll clean it up for you," Hope said kindly, handing Peter his rucksack. "I'll see you again soon hopefully, have fun at school!"

"Thanks, Hope, you're the best!"

"I know, I know. Now go!" She ushered him towards the door before picking up the cereal packet to put away. It can't be a coincidence that they both had nightmares last night.

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