Chapter 33: What a shame

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Another Thursday, another routine recon mission.

Though it was early, Natasha, Steve and Bucky were all making great conversation during the flight. The two super soldiers were telling her about whatever antics they got up to in the forties, Bucky making sure to point out the numerous times he saved Steve in some back alleyway in Brooklyn. No matter how many times she'd heard them before, Natasha always enjoyed hearing stories of pre-serum Steve getting himself into trouble.

She was sat next to him in the co-pilot seat, whilst Hope and Bucky sat behind them. Hope hadn't said a word during the trip, something that the two up front dismissed as her being tired due to the early start. At first, Bucky assumed the same, but then he noticed her staring at the hook and swan charms on her bracelet.

"Hope, are you listening?" Steve's voice broke both Hope and Bucky's trails of thought. It was only when she sent him a questioning look, that Bucky realised he'd been staring. "Jones?" Steve reprised.

"People are potentially selling weapons to Hydra. Find out if it's true, and if so, what, where and when. J-2 is on sniper. We go in, split up, find the relevant information and get out. Recon only, so at least try and be discreet; that's why you're wearing the dark blue suit and not your normal Spandex Man one."

Nat laughed at the nickname, like she always did; Hope smiled at her in return. It was just about convincing enough for the redhead to not realise it was forced.

They landed in a field just over a mile from the warehouse they needed to infiltrate.

"Secure channel seven," Steve said, tapping his earpiece.

"Secure," came the reply from Nat.

Bucky mimicked his friend's movements. "Got it."

"Aye." Hope said, completing the rounds.

"Good." Steve picked up his shield. "Now, suit up."

"We're already suited up," Bucky teased. "I think you mean gear up."

Steve threw a packet of tissues at Bucky, not that any of them knew what it was doing there. "Just get ready."

The team of four started getting ready. Hope strapped her sword around her waist; it was her usual sword, the Avengers commissioned one, not the one she'd gotten for her birthday. She wanted to save that sword for the day when she knew she'd be fighting Melinoe. She then placed a gun in the holster on her thigh, as a backup plan if all else failed. Once she was ready, Hope sat back down again at the rear end of the jet, next to where Bucky was sorting out his rifle.

Steve was standing next to Nat, who was explaining once again what each of her gadgets did.

Suddenly, a chilling breeze ran down Hope's spine. Seriously, can I not just have one day off? She thought.

"Holy crap!" Nat exclaimed, as she saw the ghostly figure standing towards the back of the plane. "What the hell is that?"

Bucky stood up. "Melinoe..." His voice was so low that it sounded more like a growl than someone speaking.

The Goddess of Nightmares started edging towards him. "I'm so pleased you remember me, my dear."

Steve was about to say something when Hope sprang to her feet, both fists balled as she stood protectively in front of Bucky. "Take one more step and you'll look even more like a corpse than you already do." Her voice was calm, but the threat was strong.

"I'm surprised you care so much for him, given your family's past with Jefferson."

"He's not Jefferson. But even if he was, I'd still be stood here, in between the two of you."

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