Chapter 24: Holding back the flood

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Steve sat in his bed that night unable to sleep, he was waiting for Bucky's usual nightmares to occur, but the screams never came. Eventually, he decided to get up and go downstairs, thinking that walking around might help clear his mind a bit. Though, he hadn't expected to see Hope sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate, staring at the cover of her book.

"Still up?" He asked, making her jump a little.

Hope turned to face him. "Here to go off at me again?"

"I was waiting for Buck to wake up, force of habit."

"Did he?"

"No, he's fast asleep."


Steve shifted on his feet. "I'm sorry for snapping earlier, I know you're training to save your town and you need to push your limits." He paused briefly, "and also for saying 'finally' yesterday, it was a poor choice of words."

"It was, but it's okay, you know I forgive easily."

"Yeah, but -"

Hope interrupted him; she wasn't in the mood for talking, the medication had worn off and her headache was back. "Just shut up and drink your hot chocolate..."

"What hot chocolate?"

"That one." She winced; her hand stung from using her magic to make the mug appear.

Noticing her discomfort Steve asked, "you good?"

"I'm good, don't worry." She gave him a half-hearted smile, trying her best to reassure him.

He sat down on one of the free seats near Hope. "Thanks for this," Steve said, then took a sip of his drink. "I'm sorry for everything by the way. All the times I've been rude and lost my temper, even when I called your dad heartless and pure evil."

"Mate, I told you, it's okay, don't worry about it. I've got thick skin."

"It's not though... You've repeatedly risked everything for us and every time I end up getting annoyed with you instead of thanking you."

"You don't do the right thing for the reward. You do it because it's right."

"Well said." Steve smiled at her. "That doesn't mean I shouldn't say it though. You made a tough call, twice, just to help us out. First of all with the nightmares, then when you got my oldest friend back. And I hate to admit it, but you did save my life, so thank you."

"Can you say that again so I can record it?" Hope joked.

"I'm being serious. Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky. But sometimes I struggle to find the right things to say or how to help. You, on the other hand, always know exactly what he needs to hear; when you went to get the pizzas he came back smiling and laughing, he told me that you two talked, and what you said. And again last night with Morgan, I never thought he'd sit with her, even less let her touch his arm. He lets you touch it too, probably because, as you said, your dad has a hook for a hand."

"Probably..." Hope looked back down at the book in her lap. "I know what to say because I grew up surrounded by people feeling the same way as him and Mischief. I understand them because I understand my family and can relate. It's easier for James with you because you knew each other before, but the others didn't. He feels like everyone sees him the way he sees himself, a monster and a lost soul. They both do. You just need to keep showing them that that isn't who they are, that they're heroes and they are surrounded by people who love them."

"Like I said, you always know just what to say." Steve found himself staring at her, a smile spreading across his face, but he quickly snapped himself out of it, once again denying the way he felt about her. "Anyway, back to the point. Between everything I've just said, talking to Stark and now the dog tags, you've done a lot for a man that you hardly know. I'm really grateful and I know he is too."

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