Chapter 20: J-2

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Tony and Hope spent the rest of the day in the shop working on Morgan's go-kart, blasting AC/DC as loud as possible. They'd gone back inside briefly at lunch time to get something to eat but left the room again as soon as Steve and Bucky came up from the gym. Hope didn't mind avoiding the two of them; she'd normally try and spend as little time as possible in the same room as America's Ass, and the whole Bucky-Jefferson thing was a bit off-putting. She knew it wasn't the Mad Hatter, but that didn't change the fact that she needed to get to grip with not wanting to punch him every time they were near one another.

As they worked on their masterpiece, Stark made a point to ask as many questions as he possibly could about Hope's family and their stories. He'd been the first to read the book after the truth came out, but as he said, 'there's only so much the book can tell you'. He was right, there were so many details left out – at least of that one – and Tony wanted to know it all: the plot holes in the Disney movies, how her mother defeated the Black Fairy, and even what it was like growing up surrounded by magic.

Though he never told her, Hope knew that after finding out about the sleeping curse, Stark didn't have any more nightmares. She'd grown up surrounded by love, love for a family that wasn't necessarily blood and when he looked at her, she saw the same love in his eyes that Granny had for Mary-Margret. She was like a daughter to her, and that was exactly what Hope was becoming to Tony; a second, just as cheeky but older, daughter. In a way, he'd become like another father figure to her, though she didn't want to admit it to herself because she'd hopefully soon be going home, and that could entail leaving the Avengers, and this life, behind forever.

He reminded her a lot of both Geppetto and Hook; always tinkering with something, but never without that loveable sarcasm of his that was somewhat 'Captain Obvious' like. And, of course, his egocentric Stark charm that she'd bet could even rival her father's.

The music suddenly stopped, and a familiar voice filled the room. "Miss Hope, your presence is requested by Miss Romanoff and Miss Maximoff in your bedroom."

"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y." Hope put down her tools before turning to Stark. "I guess that's my queue to leave."

"Order some food for me, will you?"

"Do you want me to bring it up to the apartment when it arrives?"

Whilst the rest of the team had ensuite bathrooms, the Starks had what everyone called their own 'apartment'. It was actually just two of the normal bedroom suites and a living room area, somewhere for family time. Tony and Pepper wanted Morgan to have at least some sense of a normal life and they felt that not always hanging around with the Avengers would help provide that for her.

"I'll be fine..."

She wasn't convinced by his answer. "Are you sure?"

"We've been living under the same roof and have been doing missions together for the past year, almost; I'm used to seeing him around."

"It won't be just seeing him around though." Hope cocked her head at him. "It's a welcome home do for him."

"Miss Hope, I'm sorry to push, but your presence has once again been requested."

"Tell them I'm on my way."

"I would go now if I were you." Tony pointed to the door with a screwdriver. "Before you have a trained assassin coming out here to beat your ass."

The pirate-princess laughed a little before giving him a half-hearted smile. "Don't paint it without me!"

"I wouldn't dare." Tony smirked. For some reason she didn't believe a word he'd just said.

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