Chapter 21: Oh come on!

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The next morning was slow, people were suffering from the previous night's drinking games. Clint was struggling the most; he really didn't cope well with alcohol, neither did Wanda for that fact. Vision had insisted on her staying in bed all morning and that she was not disturbed, bringing her dozens of different teas to try and sooth her hangover.

Nat and Hope made pancakes for the rest of the team; feeling somewhat responsible for their headaches. Even if Hope hadn't planned on the games being plagued with alcohol when she'd suggested it, the whole evening was her idea, well sort of.

The Russian had just asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to get everyone up when Hope realised the time. "God, is that the time? I need to go!" She quickly disappeared, and then reappeared again a few minutes later, with a different outfit and her hair neatly pulled up into a ponytail instead of the messy bun she'd been sporting all morning.

"Where are you going?" The redhead asked.

"I promised Pete I'd go over for lunch today, he made it very clear I needed to be there by eleven," she explained, grabbing one of the pancakes off the plate. "I'll be back sometime this evening!" And with that, Hope was gone again, leaving Nat alone to serve breakfast.


"You're late," Peter scowled, he was sat on the couch waiting for Hope. They'd agreed on a time so that he and Aunt May wouldn't be scared by her sudden appearance.

"Seriously, mate? It's only five past." Hope ruffled his hair. "But if it makes you feel better, I'm sorry that I am late, it's been a bit hectic the past few days, what with getting James back and last night..."

"Bucky's back?" May asked.

"Yeah, we raided a base in Siberia the day before yesterday. I had a bit of a shock when we got back to the compound. You know the Mad Hatter, Jefferson?"

"The one that drugged Emma and Snow?"

"Yeah, well James looks exactly like him."

"So," Peter shuffled on the couch to face Hope, "you have a Mr. Jesus in your land too?"

May noticed the blank look on her face and thought it best to clarify. "He means Bucky."

"Oh, right." Hope laughed at his nickname for the man. "Well then, yes..."

"Wait, so what happened last night?"

"We had a welcome home party type thing for James, everyone got pretty drunk."

"Party?" The teenager became wide-eyed. He was most upset about missing the impromptu party, but both Hope and May made a point of reminding him that he wouldn't have been able to join in on the drinking games.

Though Peter was just as surprised as everyone else when Hope told him about Tony's efforts to make amends with Bucky. He was clearly happy that 'Mr. Jesus' – as he put it – was back, Hope could tell that he meant a lot to Peter, all the Avengers did. All his life it had only been him and May and now he had one big family, made up of spies, soldiers and even Gods.

A little while later, Hope was sitting on his bed, watching as he finished off some last-minute homework after lunch. "What time do you have lessons tomorrow, Pete?"

"I have maths at eight thirty." Peter shoved his papers into his backpack, satisfied with his work. "Why?"

"Let me get back to you on that one." Hope dashed into the kitchen, where she found his Aunt making herself a cup of coffee. "Hey, May, I was wondering if I could steal Pete this evening? I'll drop him back off at school tomorrow morning. It's just that the kid hasn't shut up about James all afternoon and I thought it would be nice for the both of them."

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