Chapter 31: Team Spider-pirate

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Before anyone knew it, another week had soon passed and it was Friday evening again.

The past week had been somewhat smooth sailing at the compound. There was the usual team and family arguments, but since her birthday, the war between Hope and Steve had reached a ceasefire. Of course, they bickered with each other, but it was nowhere near as malicious as it once was. Almost as if it was friendly banter, instead of life-threatening arguments.

Hope had spent the morning with her boys, teaching Sam how to dance the waltz. It was one of the most amusing experiences of her life, even if she did have to threaten to steal Loki's voice when he didn't stop complaining about how long it was taking Sam to learn. A threat that quickly put him back in his place.

Sam, on the other hand, spent at least an hour going on about how he didn't understand why they were making him learn it, telling them that he was more than happy with his current dance moves. But his two companions insisted that it was a good skill to learn, one that did wonders when it came to wooing future partners, be them men, women, or however else they wished to identify.

He was just about getting there when Hope had to leave as she was meeting up with Aunt May for lunch. So, she left them to it, Loki refusing to let Sam eat until he'd mastered the art of leading. Hope thought it was a bit harsh, but once the God of Mischief had made up his mind, there was no changing it.


Hope was sitting on a rooftop in Queens with Peter. It was only half past six, but since he'd finished school for the week, they'd already rescued an old lady's cat from a tree, stopped two robberies, and saved some kids who weren't looking as they crossed the road.

Every time they went out together, Hope cast a spell to stop other people from recognising her, just like Rumpelstiltskin did for Cinderella and her parents when they went to their respective balls. It was the only magic she used on their patrols, not only because magic always came with a price, but also because she thoroughly believed that if she couldn't do the job without it, then she shouldn't be doing the job at all. Magic was always a last resort.

"Hey, Pete," she said, still staring at the busy skyline of New York.


She turned to face him. "Sooner or later, I'm not going to be around anymore--"

"No." He was playing with the mask in his hands. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Just listen to me, please." Peter sighed, and Hope continued, "I need you to promise me that if ever you need to, you'll take a break from the superhero lifestyle. I wasted my teenage years training for a curse that I knew was one day going to hit, and that's something I regret every day. I didn't make enough time to go to parties or kiss the people I liked. I shut myself off from the world because I believed that I had more important things to do. But I didn't, because there's nothing more important than enjoying life. It's made of moments, bad ones, good ones, but they're all worth living."

"So, you're telling me to go out and get drunk?"

"If that's what makes you happy, then yes." Hope laughed, she knew he wouldn't do it. "Just remember that you're allowed to be happy, you don't owe anything to anyone. What you're doing, being Spiderman, it's amazing and selfless, but it's not all that you are. You're so much more than the face behind the blue and red spandex suit, you're a smart and talented teenager with a heart of gold who's bound to mess up sometimes. And that's okay."

Peter smiled at her. "Thank you..."

"I only said what I wish someone had said to me." She rested her head on his shoulder. "You've got a lot to learn, but you'll get there by leaning on the people you love and that love you. The Avengers will be there for you your whole life, just make sure you let them in."

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