Chapter 19: Jefferson?

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"Which cell did you put Bucky in?" Sam asked as he, Hope, Loki, the two spies and Steve stood in the elevator, going down to the onsite prison.

"Same one that Mischief was in." Hope had healed her wounds during the flight back, healing one on Loki's forehead and a small cut on Wanda's arm in the process.

The lift doors slid open; Steve was the first one to step out. "You didn't have to rip his heart out, I had it covered."

"Of course you did, mate." She shoved past the super soldier. "Now let's go find your boyfriend."

"I feel like you're more annoyed at him than usual, princess," Loki whispered, not wanting Steve – who was being lectured once again by Natasha – to hear.

"I don't want to talk about it," was the only response he got.

When they arrived at the cell, Bucky had his back to them as he peacefully slept on the bed in the corner.

"So, what's the plan?" Nat asked.

"Hope's going to put his heart back in," Steve said, pointing at the pirate-princess.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are!" He shouted, stepping closer to her.

Sam and Loki both tensed as he did, but Hope put an arm out, telling them to stand down. "Let's try this again... No, I'm not!"

Steve took another step forward. "Put it back!"

Hope mirrored his movements, their faces now inches apart. "I am going to wake him up, but until you break the curse he is under, he isn't getting it back. As long as I have it, I can render him incapable of killing you, or any of us, for a matter of fact."

"He's brainwashed, not cursed."




"Should we step in?" Clint asked under his breath.

Natasha smirked. "Nah, I'm enjoying this."

"We've dealt with Hydra before, they've brainwashed Buck before!"

"This isn't Hydra controlling him, it's Melinoe!"

"How do you know that?"

"Because she told me!"


"When I had my boot on her chest and my sword at her throat."

"What?" His voice sounded calmer.

"I had her right where I wanted her, I could have brought everyone I love home, but instead I decided to help you. James was going to kill you and ripping out his heart was the only way of stopping him! The only way of buying us enough time to break the curse. I gave up everything to save you and him." Hope pointed to the sleeping man. "And what do I get in return? You complaining about me saving your life, twice might I add. I saved your life twice in the space of two minutes, once when I stopped him from killing you, then again when I healed the wound in your abdomen."

Steve looked at her with sadness in his eyes; once again she'd given up her chance to save her parents. This time to save him and Bucky, a man she'd never even met before. "Okay," his gaze went to the floor. "Wake him up."

"Thank you..." A wooden box appeared in her right hand; she opened it to reveal Bucky's beating heart, glowing a bright red. She raised it to her mouth and whispered, "you are not to hurt Steve Rogers or any of the other Avengers. Now wake up." She put the heart back in the box and made it disappear again.

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