Chapter 29: Penelope Longbottom

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On Thursday morning, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Natasha and Sam all attended Peggy's funeral, Nat and Sam being there to support their grieving friends.

The church was packed with loved ones who all wished to pay their respects as her casket was carried into the church, the two super soldiers at the rear. The Union Jack draped over the coffin reminded everyone of the life she'd lived, one of service and sacrifice. She'd dedicated her life to helping others find and maintain peace, and now it was her turn to rest in peace.

After the service, Bucky and Steve decided to spend the rest of the day in Brooklyn; going back there always helped Steve find peace of mind, whereas the other three headed back to the compound.

Later that day, Hope was in the main cortex, chatting with her boys, when F.R.I.D.A.Y. let her know that Tony wanted her in the lab.

Once she'd pried herself off the seat, still feeling rather sore from her tussle with Captain America earlier that week, Hope made her way to what she called the 'science bros' playroom'. "You summoned me?"

"Yes, I did, well, we did." Tony was referring to Natasha and Wanda. "Little Witch was telling me that your mission with her and Legolas went really well."

Wanda played with a ball of red light in her fingers. "Tony..."

"Sorry, Maximoff was telling me," he corrected. "Is that better?"

"Yes." Wanda scrunched up her nose; she loved taunting Tony with her powers whenever he called her something she didn't like. "Anyway, we have another mission coming up and were wondering if you wanted to join us."

"Of course, I do!"

"Good, because we've already planned you into it." Tony swiped up on his screen, projecting the files in mid-air. "Your name is Penelope Longbottom--"

"Longbottom? Like Neville from Harry Potter?"

Tony laughed. "Wait, is Harry Potter real?"

"No, Harry Potter isn't real."

"That's annoying."

"Well, Hogwarts and Quidditch don't exist. But werewolves, ogres, giants, witches, and wizards, they're all real, just not here."

"I know that, but I was hoping Harry Potter was real."

"Oh, so me being the daughter of Hook, granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and someone from an Asgardian legend isn't enough for you?"

"Kiddo, that's not--"

"She's messing with you, Stark." Natasha couldn't help laughing. "Can we get back to the mission now?"

"That's mean..." Tony pointed to Hope who was now giggling too. "Now I can't remember where I was."

"Penelope Longbottom."

"Right, yes. Your name is Penelope Longbottom, you're a British Countess, 365th in line for the throne," he explained, waving his pen around as he did. "You and your two cheerleaders here are on the guestlist for Thomas Bodey's party at his mansion in Malibu. The party, of course, is a front for him auctioning off some of the crown jewels that were stolen back in the day by his great grandfather, five times removed."

"And you want me there because I can pull off the British princess act?" Hope asked, showing off her British accent in the process.

"You got it, kiddo! The party starts at fourteen hundred hours. The three of you will fly out to LA in the morning, get ready at the hotel, then at half one, a driver will pick you up in a limo and take you to the party."

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