Chapter Two: New Beginnings *edited*

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Percy's pov

I wake up to a bright light. I squint, my eyes adjusting to the light. I swallow, feeling the dryness in my throat like the desert. I sit up wondering where I am. I rack my brain trying to wonder what is going on. 

It takes me a moment to get my bearings, but I quickly remember where I am. I get up too fast, causing me to wobble on my feet and the corners of my eyes surround with darkness. I stumble to the desk, leaning on the side to regain my bearings. I reach into my pockets for my sword, but my hand touches nothing. I frantically search the room, I need that sword to survive. I am nothing without it, powerless and weak.

After ten minutes of searching I come up empty.  I sigh, falling to the floor, my face in my hands. Why me? Why can't my life just be normal? After what the Gods did to me, what am I gonna do? Am I going to get lost? Will my life just mean nothing now? Who do I fight for if I have nothing left? All my family is dead or dead to me. I feel my heart clench with anger and sadness. I want nothing more than to be with my mom, but I know she would be disappointed in me for not living out my life.

My thoughts clear when I hear a noise from the door. I quickly stand up, putting hand up and my feet in a fighting stance. I can't just give up now. I have to survive, for my mom and Paul. Show the Gods I don't need their protection and that I sure don't need anything from them either. That I am just as powerful without them.

The door creaks open, making me squeeze my fists tighter. Once the door is fully open and the mystery person walks in, I attack. My fist collides with a face, but my hand instantly feels like it's been shattered. I cradle my hand, wincing in pain. There is definitely gonna be a bruise later. The mystery person pushes me to the ground, my back hitting the wall, my vision blurs from the impact. Once I regain sight, I look up to see the person that entered my room. 

There in the flesh, is Kronos. I rush to my feet, standing in a fighting stance once again. I don't know if I could trust him, from past experiences. With what happened in the war and Kronos being dangerous. I can never forgive him for the war. My friends died because of him. People I cared so much for paid for their lives because of him.

"What do you want Kronos?" I ask, ready to fight even if I may lose. 

"I need nothing from you Perseus, just your loyalty to my cause." he says, folding his hands together. I drop my hands in surprise. 

"What cause?" I ask him, relaxing a little but not much because he's still the titan of time and I still need to be wary.

"Well dear Perseus, the cause of destroying the Olympians once and for all." he tells me, pulling out the chair from the desk and sitting down, folding his hands together. He looks at me and smirks, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Why do you want me to join your cause?" I ask, stunned he would even want me around. After all, I was the one to help with his defeat in the war.

"Because Perseus, you are the one thing that can help with the down fall of the gods. They fear you the most, you're too powerful." he tells me, giving me an evil smirk. 

"But why do you need me? I'm just broken goods, I have no powers. Poseidon took them away from me after he disowned me." I say, looking at the ground sadly. I feel empty without them, like a part of me is missing.

"Look at me Perseus." Kronos says.

I glance up at him through my long bangs. I seriously need a hair cut. Ugh, my ADHD is getting to me, focus Percy. 

"You don't need to worry about powers, once your loyalty is to me I will grant you the same powers you once had." Kronos informs me.

"How can I trust that you won't just take my powers once you reach your goal. And how can I trust that you won't just kill me off either." I say, feeling a bit concerned and that I can't blindly trust a titan. I have seen what happens to people who trusts a titan, they either get killed or tortured. 

"I can swear upon the Styx if you'd like. I have no intentions of killing you off. I have other plans for you after we accomplish the dethroning of the gods." he says, getting up and walking over to me.

"Well you shouldn't trust a traitor." I say sadly, looking at the ground. I have never felt so defeated in my life. The gods, they made me feel like I was nothing to them. 

"We know of your fatal flaw Perseus, personal loyalty. You couldn't even betray the cause if you tried. It would tear you apart. We would never abandon you like the gods did if that is what you are afraid of. Gods and titans are nothing alike. We never will be." he tells me.

"So I just swear on the Styx? And I'll be apart of the cause?" I ask him.

"Yes that's all I need from you."

"Okay, but you will also need to swear on the Styx. To never take control over me or my body and not to kill me." I request from him.

He sits there, thinking about it. Ten minutes pass. Then fifteen. And then twenty.

"Okay, but you have to swear your loyalty to the cause, even if it may cause you pain to see the ones who hurt you. Never to hesitate when going for the kill, they don't care about you anymore. They betrayed you, cast you out as if you were nothing. They use you to win the wars and then without hesitation believed the lies they were told." he says, moving his head closer to mine.  

I tense up, not used to people being so close to me. My palms get sweaty and I clear my throat.

"Okay, you swear first, you may be nice to me now, but I know you are good at deceiving people." I say, looking at him with doubt.

"I swear on the river Styx, to never betray Perseus Jackson, to never take his powers away, to never take control over his mind or body and to never kill him even if I am tempted to." Kronos announces, thunder booming in the distance sealing his oath. 

I stand there, in shock. I never in a million years would believe he would make that big of an oath. Now it's my turn to take an oath. Do I really want to get revenge on the gods? Is it worth it? Yes, they caused me too much pain and ruined my life. They deserve to die.

"I swear on the Styx to be faithful to the cause, never to kill Kronos or any monster." I say, causing thunder to rumble.

Kronos smirks at me and I smirk back, our oaths both in play. The gods with regret betraying me. They will wish they never cast me out. We will dethrone the Olympians and wreck havoc on the world. Nothing will stop me. The gods better get ready, because we are coming for them.

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