Chapter Thirteen: Timeless Thoughts

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Percy's pov 

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and continue chopping the crops I have started. Once I have gathered enough, I pile them in my makeshift basket and then haul them up towards my little hut. I make my way to the temporary kitchen and set them near the small fire I have going. 

I have only been here for two weeks with still not sign of Kronos. I sigh, my thoughts jumbling together. Making me angry, sad and frustrated all in one. I rub my hands across my face, pushing the thoughts away. 

I'm gonna need to build a kitchen and since it's been two weeks, so who's to tell how long this will take. I don't wish to make food in a tiny kitchen any longer. 

I make my way to the shelf of tools and grab the axe from the wall. I then get the sled I made from wood, to push the heavy logs to my hut with. The walk to the woods is a bit of a journey. Since I had started my hut near the waterfall, the woods were a thirty minute walk. 

Once I reach the woods, I set on hacking away at the trees. Putting my anger at Kronos into every swing. Log after log went into the sled, until I could barely push it. The sun has already started by the time I have finished. I then make my way back to the hut. I watch as the flowers wave in the wind, the orange of the sun making it seem like they were glowing. 

I get set on moving the logs to the shed I made for them. It's too late to start making the kitchen. I brush off the wood chips off my clothes and wipe the dirt off of my arms. I head into the hut and into my bed. The cotton I had grown making a good stuffing for the mattress and pillow.

I tried to minimalism the amount of my powers I used. So I have only conjured up some sheets, clothes, dishware and small trinkets I don't have resources for. 

I move to the closet, looking through my clothes. I pick out some blue pajamas with small waves engraved into the fabric. I then move into the bathroom and into the makeshift shower I had built. I undress and stand under the pipe. I until the rope that connected the thing sealing the pipe closed. I then pull the rope and feel as the water flows onto my head. I tie the rope back up and get onto washing the dirt and grim from my body. Once I'm done with that, I start brushing my teeth.

Yeah, I know, that's weird. But seeing as how I don't have a sink. It's easier to do it this way. 

When I finish, I untie the rope, letting it go until the water stops. I then tie it up again. I grab the towel that's sitting on the table near the shower. I wipe my face and proceed to ring the water out of my hair. I could just wish for the water to evaporate, but I want to feel a little normal.

I tug on the pajama top on and then pull the pants on. I then make my way towards my bed. I lay down, covering myself with the blanket. I lay there for a few minutes, unable to fall asleep. Thus making my thoughts run wild. 

Maybe Kronos wants nothing to do with me now, after all of the things I said. Which is ridiculous because I was right. Or maybe he just doesn't care. Unless he's too busy carrying out the unjust punishment. I wish so badly to go back. But I can't, it will make me look uncertain of what was said. 

I groan and rub my eyes. Forcing the thoughts away.

Please, Morpheus or Hypnos. Just one night. I silently pray to which ever god wanted to listen.

Moments later, one of them, heard my prayer. I feel my eyes grow heavy and then I'm off into the darkness. 


Kronos' pov

I've been a mess the two days Percy has been gone. His words still ringing in my head. I haven't slept properly. The horror of my actions clouding my judgement.

That entire day I had walked around angry at the way he spoke to me. I acted like a tyrant. I wasn't being a king. And that alone disgusted me. 

What makes it worse was the way I spoke to Percy. I had shouted at him in front of the entire council. That's enough to be embarrass anyone. That very night was when I removed the punishment. 

Percy was right, it was wrong and unfair to punish someone over a prank. I had personally went to Walden and apologized to him and his mother for the horrible punishment. The laws of the golden age have been removed for centuries and new and appropriate laws were put in their place. 

Seeing Percy scream in fright probably caused the anger to stir up in me and rule the way I did millions of years ago. I wish to never rule that way again. I had been young and disgraceful when I ruled the golden age. And my children had suffered the way I has with my own father. I became just like him and then paranoid with the prophecy of my own children killing me.

I wish one day my children and I can reconnect. But right now, it's not an option. They will refuse to listen to any suggestions of uniting together. They will be as paranoid as I was. They would have initiated a war. So I'm bring the war to them. Plus they need to pay for the way that they've treated Percy and their other children. 

---------day five--------

Percy said I will know where to find him once I have realized what I had done was wrong, but I can't find any trace of him anywhere. I can not sense his powers and I can not locate him anywhere either.

I need him. To help gather my thoughts. To rule beside me. But he has vanished and I do not know if I will ever find him again. Last night was the worse than the other four nights. I tossed and turned all night. Sleep nowhere on my mind. All my thoughts on Percy. 

Maybe he does not want to be found. He could loathe me right now. Or he could resent me. But I will not know until I find him. 

But how do I find him? My apologizes helped in nothing but clearing my conscience. 

So where are you Percy? I think to myself, hoping for him to hear for the thousandth time I have thought or uttered those words. 

I sigh, not knowing what will happen in these next days. My eyes start to droop, the exhaustion from the previous nights weighing down on me.  I closed my eyes and prop my head on my desk. Too tired to move of teleport to my own room. Soon my thoughts are surrounded by darkness and I'm off into the world of dreams. 

(I had the prefect idea for this chapter at like, four am and have spent one hour typing this out. I haven't been this prepared for a chapter in awhile. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I haven't made one this soon in months.)

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