Chapter Eleven: Frights and Laughter

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Walden's pov

Nico was different than most people I know. His skin so pale with hair the color of darkness. Like if he let go, he could slip into the shadows and never return. He looked so fragile, like he could break any second. But yet so strong at the same time.

"Now, for this prank, it has got to be epic. The bonus, is scaring the crap outta Kronos. Mother tells me to always be on my best behavior around him, but I feel like breaking the rules today." I tell Nico, sending him a wink. 

I can see the way he tenses up, and the way he quickly hides his face. 

"Okay, I'm gonna use the tree roots to latch onto them. Then, after I get them riled up, I want you to raise the dead. The looks on their faces will be priceless." I say to him, while leading his down the hall Kronos took Perseus. 

"Okay, but where are we going and how do you know?" he asks me, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"I can feel their energy. Each titan I know has different energy wave lengths, so we can tell who is who without seeing their face. It makes living in such a big area, easier. We're gonna wait in the woods, so they're on their way back from whatever Kronos took him to do." I say, pointing towards the door we need to leave through. 

"That's interesting. It's kinda them same for me with the dead, but it's a little more of a different type of energy." Nico tells me as we make our way into the woods. 

After walking in silence for a few minutes, we get close enough to see the light coming from where Kronos and Perseus are. I can see them chatting with each other. If I had a say in anything, I would say it looked like a date.

"Alright, here is good enough. I want you to climb the tree and I'll hide behind the same tree. And when you see the vines take hold of them, I want you to raise the dead." I say to him, pointing at the biggest tree.

"What, you want me to climb the tree. Why can you?" he asks, his face contorting in irritation.

"Because I haven't learned enough of my power to do it from that far. I need to be a little closer." I tell him with a frown. 

I had just became a titan a few months ago, after I turned eighteen. So my powers aren't quite perfected yet. So I have to be touching the ground to move the vines. 

"Okay then, help me reach this branch then." he says, reaching his hand up and barely grazing the branch.

I laugh and help push him up, "Go up until you can be hidden and still see the ground." 

"Alright," he says as he climbs his way up and a minute later I hear,"Okay, I'm up."

And then, we wait. Waiting in complete silence with the sounds of the leaves every few seconds. Ten minutes pass, then twenty and then thirty. Finally, I see the lights slowly going out, all except one. 

"Okay, they're coming, just wait for the vines." I call up to him. 

I can hear their voices as they get closer. I can hear Perseus laugh at something Kronos said to him. I do not know how someone could have that much fun with Kronos to be laughing like that, but I'm not going to judge. 

Once I'm able to hear them speak properly, I set my plan into motion. I crouch and place my hands on the tree. I close my eye to feel their energy and grow the vines out. I move the vines to where they are and I feel them glide across the grass like snakes. I then move them to leg height and then launch them at their legs. I can hear Perseus scream out of fright and Kronos grunt due to the surprise. 

Seconds later, I feel the ground shake and then I can hear the clattering of bones. I can't seem them, but I can imagine whats happening by Kronos' panicked voice, trying to calm down Perseus. 

"Show yourself, I know you're out there!" Kronos says, swinging the light in all directions. 

I try to keep my laughter quiet, but I just can't contain it. I'm laughing so hard, tears start to run down my face. Soon I'm on the ground, wheezing. I can faintly hear footsteps near me. 

"What the frick dude, you scared the hell out of me!!" I hear someone say, causing me to look up.

I look up, but my eyes are blurry with tears. I blink the tears away and see Perseus standing over me. His arms are crossed and he's pouting at me. That just sends me into more laughter. 

"Your face was priceless Perce." Nico says, chuckling as he climbs down the tree. 

"You where in on it too?!" Perseus whines, stomping his foot. 

"The most fun I have had in awhile." he says, landing on the ground.

"Walden,  you dare mess with me. I am your king." Kronos says, walking from the shadows and scowls at me.

I quickly sober up and climb to my feet. My face going pale and my heart dropping to my stomach.

"U-uh s-s-sorry si-sir." I stutter, my limbs going numb.

"How dare you try something like that with your King. You could have killed Perseus." Kronos growls out, anger etched on his face.

"Ugh, stop being so dramatic Kronos. He was only messing around." Perseus says, rolling his eyes.

I gasp. I can't believe he has the guts to speak to Kronos, much less roll his eyes at him. I can see the anger in Kronos' eyes vanish. They take on a calmer and kinder look.

"But you could have gotten hurt. What then? What if it wasn't a prank?" he asks in a demanding tone.

"But I wasn't. I can handle myself in a fight." Perseus tells him with s stern look.

"Alright, we get in, you love each other, calm down." Nico says, moving to stand in between the two.

Perseus' face blooms into a fiery red and Kronos looks away. 

"We should head inside, before the cold gets anyone sick." Kronos says and then turns to me,"I shall speak with you later." 

"Yes sir." I say, gulping. 

"Oh please, he won't do anything if I have a say in it. He's totally a big softy underneath." Perseus tells me with a wink.

"Thank you Perseus. I'm sorry to have frightened you so much." I say to him with a frown.

"No worries. I loved the prank. You should include me next time." he says as we reach the door.

"Okay, next time we'll include you." I say, walking inside.

"Oh, Walden." he calls from behind me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Call me Percy." he says with a smile.

(Ah, finally an update. My first day of my staycation from work. Sorry for only one pov this time. It just didn't feel right for two. Plus Walden was my first original character. But I'll do my best to write more this week. Hopefully will be able to put out more chapters before the week is over.)

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