Chapter Fifteen: Questions and Notes

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Percy's pov

I sigh and straighten my shoulders as I walk the halls. Others stare at me as I walk by, eyes widening. They probably did not expect a return. But here I am. I make my way to Nico's room, hoping to chat with him for a moment.

"Percy! You're back." he shouts when he sees me.

"Yeah, I am. I need to ask for a favor from you." I tell him, leaning on the frame of the door.

"Yes, what do you need?" he asks, tilting his head.

"I need you to give Kronos this note. But don't tell him anything." 

"Okay, I can do that. I missed you though Percy. I knew you would come back though. You're just the type of person to never give up on anyone. And I never told you how much I appreciated you always being there for me and pulling me away from screwing up." Nico says before exiting his room to give Kronos the note.

I sigh, knowing how much I hurt him. I never intend to hurt anyone, but having bad choices always comes back around to mess with the ones I love. Or maybe I'm just cursed, not meant to have anyone in my life. 

I shake my head, not ready for those type of thoughts today. I have a few things I need to do before my chat with Kronos. Like, talking to his brothers. I have quite a few questions for them. 

I move along the halls, asking everyone if they've seen at least one of them. But no one has. Until I stumble upon Walden. 

"Percy! You're back, I never thought you would have returned." the white haired boy shouted. 

"Shhhh." Percy tells him, "I'm trying to keep this on the down low. I don't want Kronos knowing I'm here. I sent Nico to give him a note, but I didn't actually tell him I was here." 

"Yeah, I can do that. I won't tell anyone." Walden promises.

"Thank man. But I do have a question. Where is your father. I need to speak with Oceanus or even Iapetus. I just can't seem to find either of them." I ask, stilling making my way down the halls.

"I know Oceanus is in his room and Iapetus was in the dining hall. I can totally take you there." Walden says with an excited tone.

"Alright, lead the way Walden." I say, gesturing down the hall.

Walden jumps and starts the lead me down the halls, it takes me a moment to realize we are heading to the dining hall. I was happy to see Iapetus, he was one of the titans to start off treating me like I was apart of their family.

"There he is Percy." Walden tells him, pointing at the silver haired titan.

"Sweet, thanks. You can join us if you would like." I smile.

"Oh please, I am soooooo bored. I need something to do or I might die." Walden exaggerates, throwing his hands into the air and pretending to faint.

I laugh and start to make my way to the table Iapetus is sitting at.

"Hello Iapetus, it's been awhile." I say, sitting across from him and Walden sitting next to me.

"Holy mother of the world, I'm so happy you're back. I was so worried." Iapetus says with wide eyes at seeing Percy.

"Awe, I didn't know you cared that much. I'm touched. But alas, my presence isn't just because I missed you. I have a few questions." I say to him, reaching over and stealing a blueberry off of his plate.

"Okay, go ahead." Iapetus nods, swatting my hand away when I go to grab another one of his plate.

"I need to know everything that happened while I was gone. What happened with Kronos? What went down? I need to know."


Kronos' pov

I sigh, setting my head onto the table. I miss Percy, he did a lot for me that I never noticed. He changed me. Made me a better king and I have been too stupid to realize. I pray for Nico to convince him to come back. For me to have forgiveness from him.

I jump when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Enter." I say, clearing my throat and sitting up.

In slips Nico, holding a paper. He closes the door and walks up to my desk.

"Hello Kronos, I have a little something for you." he says, waving the paper in his hand.

He sits in the chair and pulls his feet up onto my desk. I scowl, but do not correct it. What if this is from Percy, I need to know, so I keep my mouth shut.

"But I do need to know about the progress on me being a commander." Nico says with a smirk, he really knows how to rile me up. 

"Fine, let me find the papers." I grit out, knowing that my lashing out will cause me even more dislike from Percy.

Nico laughs and relaxes into the chair. He watches as I pull out the stack of papers for the commanders. I had my first in command watch over Nico for awhile. And he sent me what he thought, but I have not had time to look.

I silently read what was written to me, Nico's eyes bore into me the whole time. I huff when I'm done and set the paper down. Then I fold my hands onto the desk and lean back.

"So, what does it say? I know you had someone secretly watching me while I train. It wasn't too hard to feel their presence." Nico says with a shrug.

"Well, my first in command has decided he will start your training in the next week. But you are to be trained as third in command. He has deemed you a valuable fighter. And you are to report fully clothed for battle at five am sharp." I tell him, mentally rolling my eyes.

"Amazing, now you can have the note. I will be on my way." Nico grins, setting the paper down and exiting my office.

I quickly snatch it up and begin to read:

I know I has been awhile Kronos, but I need to speak with you. You may not believe it to be true, but I still care for you and I want to make everything right between us. Please, meet me tonight where we had our first date at seven. 

From, Percy.

I immediately turn to find the time and see that it's a quarter after six. Just enough time to get ready. I hope up and reach into my closet, I pull out a nice t-shirt and some pants. I rush out of the door and make my way to where Percy and I had first gotten together. 

(I did it! An update after so long. I kept messing up and trying to write in third person because of the other book I have been starting. So it took me a bit longer. Enjoy!)

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