Chapter Fourteen: Suffering Alone

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Kronos' pov

It's been three weeks and I still can't find Percy. His aura is still gone. What if he left for good? I probably ruined everything between us. I know now that what I had done was wrong. But maybe my actions were enough for him to see that I'm the bad guy.

"Sir, would you like a cup of tea? You seem very tense, my lord." Quinton asks me.

I sigh and rub my hands across my face.

"Yes, extra sugar please. It's gonna be a long night again.  Also, fetch Nico and Walden for me. I would like to speak with both of them." I tell him, waving my hand for him to leave.

I pull up the map and try to find locations Percy might have gone. Which is quite a lot. I know his love for the ocean is strong, so he could probably be around there. Maybe Alaska. He could also have chosen somewhere he knows we won't look.

I jump out of my thoughts when I hear the knock on the door.

"Enter." I say, straitening my shoulders.

I turn around when I hear the door open and I see Nico and Walden walk in. 

"So, what do you want Kronos?" Nico asks, flopping down on the extra chair.

Walden just laughs at him, at how casual he is. He then moves over to the chair next to Nico and sits down.

"I need your help finding Percy. He told me I will know where to find him when the time comes, but I have looked everywhere I know he likes. I looked at all of the beaches and other areas he's attached to. So please, help me. You have known him longer. Or maybe you could contact him. I'm losing my mind." I beg him.

Nico stares at me, his face expressionless. 

"Hmmmm, maybe I can mention you in our daily talks. Yes, he Iris messages me." he tells me after debating on what to say.

"What?  You have been talking to him this entire time and you decided to just now tell me!" I shout at him, my face twisting into anger and I slam my hands on my desk.

"Hey, you do not get to treat me like that. You hurt Percy, you did not deserve to know whether or not he contacted one of his close friends. You should be thankful that I am even willing to help you out." Nico said, anger flowing through his tone.

"I'm sorry. I'm just freaking out. What if he never comes back? It's been so long since I have seen him." I say, ranting.

"I will mention something to him. But it will cost you." he says, with a smirk.

"What kind of payment?" I ask, squinting my eyes in suspicion. 

"I want to be one of your commanders." he says.

"I can't just give a position away like that. They need to know you have earned." I say, my voice rising.

"Fighting in two wars should be enough proof." he tells me, resting his elbow on my desk.

"Fine, but I won't be able to give it to you right away. It will take awhile for me to get everything situated. I need the speak with the other commanders." I tell him with a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Okay then, I will speak with Percy when I contact him, but you can't be eavesdropping on me, it's rude." Nico says, pulling Walden with him to the door.

"Okay. Just tell me is he's okay. I worry about him." I shout before he closes the door.

"I will." I hear before the door shuts with a soft click.

I sigh and lean back in my chair. Why can't this be easier? I feel guilty enough about being a jerk, but this is worse than being yelled at. What if he got hurt or worse.

I just hope we find you soon, my love.


Percy's pov

 I groan when the morning light hits my face. I stretch and roll over. I get up and stumble my way towards the bathroom. I splash the cold water into my face, it smells slightly like metal from the bucket it sits in. I then look at myself in the reflection of the metal sheet I hung up.

My hair is sticking up is every direction and my eyes have slight bags under them. I pick out my toothbrush from the table I had made a few weeks ago. I the grab the toothpaste and brush away. When I'm done I go back to my room and pull of a pair of shorts and a simple back t-shirt. 

This month has gotten warmer, so I had to conjure up some shorts. 

Wait, lets back track, yeah, I have been here for three months. Crazy, right? Well anyway, I'm really worried Kronos won't come back. Maybe I pushed him too far. But I'm scared to go back or ask Nico how things have been. Because what if things have changed so much that I am no longer needed.

I sigh again, pushing the thoughts away and turning on the small gas stove in the kitchen. I walk to the cupboards and grab a plate and cup. I snap my fingers and two eggs and bacon appear on the counter. I then cook both of them.

I sit down at the table and begin to eat. I then snap my fingers and my cup fills up with orange juice. I take a sip and hum in contentment. I then move to my bacon, but before I could even take a bite, I hear a voice behind me.

"Hello Percy." Nico says, making me jump.

"Holy crap Nico, you scared me." I tell him, putting a hand against my heart.

For a few moments all I hear is Nico laughing and my heart pounding in my chest. I don't speak until my heart calms down.

"Meanie." I say, pouting. 

"Ha, that was great." he says, wiping the tears from laughing.

"So what do I owe the pleasure for this call?" I ask him.

"Why haven't you come back Percy?" he asks, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm scared. I know it's stupid, but what is Kronos hates me for being gone for so long. Or what if I have been replaced?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Why would he do that? It hasn't been too long." Nico says, confusion on his face.

"What do you mean? It's been three months." I say, staring at him like he lost his marbles.

"No it hasn't, it's only been three weeks Percy. Where are you?" he asks, worry filling his voice.

"I have no clue I just teleported here out of anger. It's been three months for me here though, I don't understand why it's only been three weeks for you." I say, shock and disbelief rolling off of me in waves.

"You need to come back Percy. Kronos is really worried because they can't feel your power." he tells me.

"Okay, I'll be back soon. I just need to get a few things and I will leave." I say, standing up and grabbing a piece of bacon. 

"Okay, be careful Percy." he tells me with a stern look.

"I always am." I say and I cut the connection.

I walk to my room while I eat the bacon I took with me. I snap my fingers once again and a suitcase pops onto my bed. I then grab my clothes and other trinkets I made during my time here. I don't want to leave, but I know I have to. The relaxation was nice when it lasted. 

I zip up my suitcase and pick it up. I picture the room I had there. The white walls and the small desk next to the bed. I close my eyes and feel myself dissolve. I can feel the heat of a bright light.

Once the heat grows colder, I open my eyes to my old room. I smile, still glad to be back. 

Now, to find Kronos.

(I am soooooooooooooo sorry this took so long. I would wright a few sentences and then lose the inspiration to wright anymore. It went off and on for the last month. But here I am, back with an update.)

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