Chapter Seven: How To Mend a Broken Heart

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Kronos' pov

"What the hell do you mean you can't trace him?!" I shout making Koios flinch.

I growl in anger and shove the papers off the desk. I slam my fist against the wood causing cracks to web out. How hard is it to find one person?

"I'm sorry sir, but there is something blocking the frequency." Koios says, in nearly a whisper.

"I don't care! Fucking find him!" I roar, anger rolling off of me in waves. 

I start to pace, trying to control my anger. How dare they take Percy from me, from us? I will destroy this entire Earth to find him. I hear Koios slip out of my office.  My anger is clouding my mind, I feel terrible about yelling at him for something he can't control. But Percy is missing, so it's hard to not be angry.

I sigh, knowing I'm pushing them too hard. But my heart is breaking every second we still haven't found him. What if he's being tortured? What if he's dead? My breath catches at that one. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him and we're not even dating. I'm so whipped, Oceanus is right. I groan, liking someone is so much harder than before.

*a few hours later*

"Sir, we found him. He's in New York." Quinton says, rushing into my office.

I feel my heart bloom with happiness at the fact that he so far is alive. Hopefully it stays that way.

"Tell the others I will be back Quinton." I tell him. 

"Yes sir." he says, bowing and leaving the room.

I flash myself to New York. I am instantly hit with wind and water. I look up to see a hurricane covering New York. 

"What is going on with you Percy?" I mutter to myself and teleport myself closer to it. 

I can faintly see the outline of a man, so I instantly know it's Percy. He looks really angry, even with the hurricane I can hear his screams. With one final scream the hurricane dissipates into the air and I watch as he falls to his knees. Now he's sobbing. His cries slowly breaking my heart. So much pain he's been hiding. Is this why he was crying yesterday? I wish I could take all his pain away. He has done so much to be in this much pain. 

I slowly make my way towards him until I am crouching in front of him. 

"Are you okay Percy?" I ask him.

He looks up at me and then I'm suddenly tackled. I can feel his tears soaking my shirt, but I don't care. After a few minutes, his cries slowly crease and I'm just rubbing his back.

"No, I-i'm not-t okay Kr-ronos." he whispers, his voice breaking from all his crying.

"What happened Pudingo?" I ask, rubbing his hair.

He moves to look at me, startled at the word I said.

"What does that mean?" Percy asks, tilting his head.

"I means pudding, because you are like pudding. Soft, but still uncontrollable." I say to him with a small smile, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I like it." he whispers, smiling back.

"Alright let's go get you some ice cream" I say, standing up.

This causes his eyes to light up. He's always gotten excited about ice cream.


Percy's pov

I so badly wanted to tell Kronos what happened. To confess my feelings, but I just can't. I still have troubled thoughts about him. Or I remember when he tried to kill me and a bunch of other demigods. 

I shiver at the slight chill in the air as we make our way downtown New York. I feel a little light head from all the crying. Crying makes me feel weak and vulnerable. I subconsciously wrap my arms around my waist, hoping to make myself less viable to the stares and looks people are giving me.

"Are we there yet?" I ask, hoping to get off the street and the nosy people.

"Yeah, we are actually here." he replies, stopping to open the door, causing the little bell to ring.

I step inside and I am immediately hit with cold air, I shiver again. Kronos notices this time and gives me a questioning look, but I shake my head.

"Hello, welcome to Cold Cone, what would you like?" I hear a women ask, her voice warm and welcoming.

I look at her and see she is in her mid-thirties, so I smile and ask, "Do you have anything blue?"

She laughs, " I have never been asked that one before. But yes, we have blue sherbet, blue monster and blue marshmallow."

"Hmmm, I will take blue marshmallow in a cup, please." I tell her, she immediately starts scooping some into the cup and hands it to me.

"Thank you ma'am." I say, which she gives me a 'you're welcome'.

"Now, what about you mister?" she asks Kronos.

"I'll take blue sherbet in a cup." he answers, she then starts to scoop his out.

Kronos then hands her a twenty and tells her to keep the change. I roll my eyes, I could have paid for my own, but knowing Kronos, he probably wouldn't let me. So I find there to be no use in bringing it up.

"Have a good day boys." she tells us with a smile.

"Thanks, you too." I tell her as we make our way towards the back of the store.

After we sit, there is an uncomfortable silence. I take a spoonful of my ice cream and shove it in my mouth. Oh my gods, this is amazing. I start to bounce in my seat, making Kronos chuckle. I blush and slow my bouncing. I still get that small sugar rush when I eat ice cream.

After I swallow, I ask, "So, why did you bring me here?"

"I heard from someone, ice cream is a really good way to show you care. Plus, it's good and you can give it to people you like." he says, he instantly covers his mouth after those last few words were said.

"You like me?" I ask, my face covered in a darker blush than a little bit ago.

"U-um, yeah, I kinda do." he answers, covering his face.

I honestly have no idea what to say to that. The guy who tried to kill me a few years ago is crushing on me. I look up at him, he is pretty good looking. His golden hair matching his eyes. He has a small scar above his eyebrow. I never noticed that. Do I maybe feel somewhat the same way he does? So I reach out and uncover his face.

"It's okay to feel that way. I sort of feel the same way, but I don't want to rush into a relationship right now. Just with everything going on right now. The betrayal is too fresh in my mind. Maybe a little bit into the future we can be something more." I tell him with a small smile and I watch as his face lightens up a little bit about that. 

"Yeah, okay. I didn't think you would feel that same as me." he says, honesty pooling from his words.

"Well, I'm pretty oblivious when I like people and when people like me." I tell him.

"You can say that again." he mutters.

I just laugh and we sit there finishing our ice cream. My heart slowly coming back together.

(Sorry this one took my longer. I have been struggling the last few days with my mental heath and then also juggling my job. But I've finally updated, yay! Hope you enjoy.)

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