Chapter Eight: Serious Talks and Preparations

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Percy's pov

After the ice cream, Kronos took us to the beach. I told him the beach helps me clear my head. As soon as we get there, I inhale deeply. The salty air of the sea filling my nostrils. I can feel my shoulders start to relax. I needed this release. My life went from great then to shit.  But then I met the titans and they're a better family than any of my actual family has been.

Now that I think about that, it's kinda sad.  The people who you thought were good, were actually the monsters and the people who you thought were bad were the good people. 

I hate that I put my loyalty to something that wasn't worthy of it. They threw it away like yesterdays trash. It sucks, so much to feel this broken but yet you're surrounded by people who are just trying to understand you. 

"What has you in such a deep thought, Pudingo?" Kronos asks me, causing me to jump a little and look over at him. His hair is glowing in the sunset making my heart soar. He's so good looking, why would he want someone like me? I'm not that good looking. 

"Just everything that went wrong in my life. Like how could I be so stupid to believe their lies? I fell for it. And it just tears at me, all day. Knowing that I trusted people who lied to me. Made me believe they were the good guys, but they weren't. It hurts, actually, it hurts a lot. My heart feels like it could shatter into a million pieces and I don't know what to do." I tell him, tears silently running down my face. 

"Hey, it's okay to feel that way. Admitting you feel that way to someone is a step into healing properly. It isn't good to keep something inside, especially if it makes you feel the way you do now." he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I lean into it, soaking in his warmth. 

"I lied to you the other day. I wasn't looking like that because of a dream. It was because of everything that happened and how it was making my fatal flaw pull me under. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of emotions and I couldn't escape it." I tell him, looking into his eyes.

"Oh Percy, why didn't you tell me. I would have helped you." he says, shock written all over his face.

"I know you would have, but I just wasn't comfortable with you yet. There was a part of me that was afraid of being hurt again. I could't take another heartbreak. Not after her." I tell him, with a sigh. It pains me to admit that I'm weak right now. I haven't felt this weak since Tartarus.

"I understand. I'm sorry that my actions made you feel that way. But the gods affected me too much. It pains me every time I think about hurting you. It makes me hate my past self for doing all those stupid things. If I could have changed the way my hatred made me feel I would. I hope at some point we can move past this and for you to a least trust me enough to share some of your thoughts with." he tells me, gripping my shoulders in a comforting way.

"Thanks Kronos. Now, lets go, we have a war meeting to go to." I tell him, wiping my face and standing up. I reach my arm out to lift him up.

"Oh, you'd like to join?" he asks, eyebrows raised and his head tilted slightly.

"Yes, I'm fully committed to your side. I want nothing to do with the gods." I tell him with a smile.

"Alright then, let's go." he says, grabbing my hand and teleporting us. 


Kronos' pov

After teleporting Percy and I, we both head our separate ways to get changed. Can't go to a war meeting with wrinkled and dirty clothes. After getting ready, I meet Percy at the door to the war room. 

"I'm kinda nervous, this is the first time I will be in there." Percy tells me, wringing his hands.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." I tell him, grabbing his hands and giving them a squeeze.

I let go of his hands and open the door and gestured for him to enter first. He walks in with me right behind him. 

Oceanus, Iapetus, Hyperion and Koios were all sitting in the war room. Oceanus was swirling water around the room, Hyperion was blinding Koios with light and Iapetus was just shaking his head and laughing at Koios. 

I coughed to get there attention, making Oceanus drop the water on Hyperion and Koios and Iapetus get blinded by Hyperion's light before it vanished. I could hear Percy laughing beside me.

"Okay, so today Percy will be joining us and we just need Krios to show up. Oh, and Oceanus, please dry them off." I tell them as I walk to my seat and sit down, "Percy, you can sit next to me."

He rushes to the chair to avoid the stares of Hyperion and Iapetus. I turn towards Percy to discuss was each color pin means and the plans we have made so far. He nods his head along with what I tell him. As soon as Krios enters, the meeting begins.

"Last meeting out North and West points needed more recruits. How has that gone this past week?" I question the North and East titans.

"The north has more than doubled recruits and have been training hard ever sense." Koios says, taking the red pin out the the north area and replaced it with a green one.

"What about you Iapetus?" I ask, turning towards him.

"The west has gotten some more recruits, but not enough to fend off a big attack." he tells me.

"Okay, good, we just need to focus more on the west side and the ocean now. What recruits have you gotten for the ocean, Oceanus?"

"I have gotten many of the seas to side with me and we have been working on attack plans against the sea threats." he tells me and points to the seas who have sided with us. 

"Okay Percy, what are your inputs?" I ask him.

"Oh, um, I can side with the west or the ocean. I'm good with water and also good with a sword. Plus those are the areas needed in the most. Even with a lot of seas siding with us, it's not going to be much to a god whose been in charge of the ocean for so long. And then the west doesn't have as many fighters as any of the other compass points. So whatever you think is the best option is where I will stand." Percy explains and points to the weak spots in the ocean and the west.

"We can us you for both points then. It will help the sides drastically. Now anymore questions on the plans so far? If not then we can start the training for your points and report every other day on what needs to be worked on and what is mastered." I say to them, causing the other titans but Percy to exit the room.

I hear him breathe a sigh of relief and turn to see him relax in his chair.

"Thank us that it's over, that was so nerve racking." he says to me.

"You did great, you came up with a great plan to help two of our sides. Now come, lets get some lunch." I smile at him and pull him up towards the door. 

Now this is something I could get used to.

(So sorry this took so long. But I've been deal with some tooth pain and just been really busy. But the update if finally here. Hope you enjoy.)

Born To RuleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora