Chapter Sixteen: Is This Love?

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Kronos' pov

I sigh and rub my face with my hands. I slowly make my way to the meeting spot. It's windy out and it looks like it's going to rain soon. Guilt still eating me up on the way through the woods. As I walk closer, I spot a light leading to the spot we last had our date. My pounding in my chest. I'm not usually this nervous, but Percy just makes me feel things I haven't felt in awhile.

Soon I'm close enough to see a table, food laid out on it. I make my way to sit, waiting for him to arrive. The rain is now pouring and I'm now soaked. But this is all worth it to see Percy again.

Soon the water is practically dripping into my eyes, but then the rain just stops. I look up and see a dome is now holding off the rain.

"I might be mad at you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you practically drown in the rain." a voice says behind me.

I turn around and see Percy standing there. His hair has grown since the last I saw him, which is slightly weird, but it's only been weeks. He makes his way over to me and sits across from me.

"I don't know what to say. I'm not very good at stuff like this." I admit after a moment of silence. 

"I know." Percy says, flashing him a small smile, "But I also know that you know what to say."

"You're right, I do know the right words, but I also know there isn't much to say about how wrong I was. The few weeks you were gone, was torture. I knew I screwed up, but I couldn't find you. I searched and searched, but nothing. I was angry for a while, at myself. Then upset after a week past because I didn't know if you would come back. Then Nico tells me you have been talking, I got angry at him. For not telling me. He told me off and I controlled myself. And now you're here and all the right words seem to fail me." I tell him, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Maybe if I tell you where I have been, the right words will come to you. I was so angry at you, for what you did, that I teleported away. I was met with a field and decided that was where I would stay. I made a small shelter and a fire. Soon it was weeks I was there. I started making a house, to have a better living style if it was going to be longer. Once the second month I was their happened, I was worried. Worried you were angry with the way I reacted, I thought you didn't want me anymore. Then Nico and I started talking, because I was lonely and upset. We would talk for hours. Next was the third month. I would use small portions of my power to have things I couldn't make. I was so scared to ask Nico anything about you because what if you no longer needed me. So the third week of that month, Nico contacted me, we talked for a moment. And then he asked me why I hadn't come back yet. I was confused at first and then I learned it had only been three weeks for you. But it had been three months for me. That's why I didn't come back, I was there for so long that I just assumed you all hated me. So I didn't try, but I'm here now and I hope that is enough." Percy says, ranting a few times, but I missed that about him.

"No, Percy. You shouldn't feel that way. You did nothing wrong. You had every right to be angry at what I did. What I did was so wrong, I apologized to Walden and his family. They all have forgiven me, but I haven't forgiven myself. I hurt you and said a lot of awful things. And I really thought you weren't going to come back. That you were so angry at me and weren't going to come back. I tried everything to find you, to at least apologize for my actions." I tell him, guilt filling my voice.

I stare at the ground, silence filling the air. He doesn't speak and neither do I. A few moments longer, I look up and see tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying? I didn't upset you, did I?" I rushed out, concerned. 

"No, no. You didn't upset me at all. Just showing me the man I fell for. The man that changed. The gods always talked about how evil and cold you are. That you could never change. You would always be the same horrible titan you were. But everyone can change, if they're willing to. And that is exactly what you did. Proved all of them wrong. You know what you did wasn't right and you are trying to fix it. For me. And I love that about you. I spent a lot of time just thinking and thinking. And I can honestly tell you, I was miserable. But not because of what you did, but because you weren't there with me. I love you Kronos. And I probably always will. You took me in when the gods threw me to the side. You showed me what it was like to not feel pressured into battling. You helped me." he cried out, tears now falling down his cheeks.

"I did that for you?" I asks, my heart stuttering.

He nods.

"I think I love you too Percy." I tell him, a smile on my face. 

I cautiously step closer to him. I lean in and give him a light kiss. I hover for a second, but start to back away when he huffs and smashes our lips together. This was like no other kiss I have ever had. Percy was meant for me. 

Rain starts to pour down on us, which Percy pulls back and laughs. I stare at him and smile. He is my other half and I will do anything to keep him here with me.

(Finally! I finished it!! I think trying to figure out two different povs was harder in this chapter, so I probably will write the rest of the chapters with one pov. Percy will be the next chapter. This took way too long and I might heavily edit this chapter.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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